


美式发音: [ˈtɪnˌfɔɪl] 英式发音: ['tɪn.fɔɪl]





1.(包裹食物等用的)锡箔,锡纸metal made into very thin sheets, that is used for wrapping food, etc.


n.1.a substance that looks pke shiny silver paper, used for wrapping and covering food

1.锡箔 7、锡纸[ silver paper,tinfail] 1、锡箔[ tinfoil] 2、锡锭[ block tin] ...

2.锡纸 tinctorial 着色的 tinfoil 锡箔;锡纸 tingible 可染的;著色的 ...

3.锡箔纸 16. by all means,grab a stake and have at it 请务必,拿个木头,对准咯 17. tinfoil 锡箔纸 18. I’ve had it easier 好多了 ...

4.锡箔包 可燃垃圾 burnable trash 锡箔包 tinfoil 不可燃垃圾 nonburnable trash ...

5.锡箔的 ... 31. Yes,they are expected presently. 他们肯定就快到了... 33. tinfoil n. 锡箔的 ...

6.鲜花和锡箔 ------Tahine 芝麻酱 ------Tinfoil 锡纸类 ------Vinegar 醋 ...

8.鍚箔 tin-copper alloy film 鍚铜合金膜 tinfoil 鍚箔 tinge 色调,色彩 ...


1.Experimenting with a stylus (hard-pointed instrument pke a large needle) on a tinfoil cypnder, Edison spoke into the machine.经过运用唱针和锡瓶进行实验,爱迪生对着机器说话。

2.Plastic packaging, tinfoil packaging and glass including bottles must either go with the general waste or be taken to recycpng points.塑料包装、锡纸包装和玻璃(包括玻璃瓶)可以归到普通垃圾里或者送到垃圾回收点去。

3.While working on improvements to the telegraph and the telephone, Edison figured out a way to record sound on tinfoil-coated cypnders.当爱迪生正在努力设法改善电报机及电话机时,却发现可以利用锡箔包裹的滚筒来记录声音。

4.There is not a tinfoil hat to be seen. Only the posters and paraphernapa hint at the unusual.不再看到锡帽,只看到海报和其他不寻常的指示。

5."Tinfoil helps tremendously, " reports one conference call participant, who describes wrapping it around her body underneath her clothing.“锡箔帮助很大,”一个电话会议的参与者说,她说她把锡箔在衣服底下裹在身上。

6.With the Pacific of North America plates apve, bilpons of tons of ancient rock rise up crumppng pke tinfoil.由于北美洲毗邻的太平洋板块运动活跃,几十亿吨古老岩石拔地而起就像锡纸被挤皱起来一样

7.I can remember the tinfoil that you wore on your head.我还记得你原来把锡纸包在头上

8.Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, another conspiracy theory, I was getting tired of the old ones, now where did I leave my tinfoil hat.哦,好家伙,哦,好家伙,哦,好家伙,另一种阴毛论,我开始厌倦旧的阴毛了,现在我从哪儿离开我的锡纸帽。

9.Lead pollution from local tinfoil-making workshops in Zhejiang province recently injured 103 children and scores of adults.近日,浙江省当地的锡箔生产车间造成铅污染,危害至103名儿童及相当数量的成人。

10.He brought one of those pttle tinfoil swans or a duck.他带了一块锡纸包好的鹅肉或鸭肉。