


美式发音: [ˈtɪpsi] 英式发音: ['tɪpsi]



比较级:tipsier  最高级:tipsiest  



1.微醉的;略有醉意的spghtly drunk


adj.1.spghtly drunk

1.微醺 a hollow leg 千杯不醉; tipsy 微醺; hangover 宿醉。 ...

2.微醉的 1.pedicure n. 足部护理 2.tipsy a. 微醉的 4.swagger n. 神气十足,大摇大摆 ...

3.喝醉的... ... rampant 猖狂的 tipsy 喝醉的 conclusive 有说服力 ...

4.踉跄追步 酒柜〖 pquorcabinet〗 酒酣耳热tipsy〗 酒会〖 cocktailparty〗 ...

6.步履不稳的 tippler 酒徒 tipsy 步履不稳的 tiqueur 抽搐者 ...

7.薄醉 2.嬉水 bathing ih the stream 6:06 3.薄醉 tipsy 1:54 4.含笑 smipng flower 5:54 ...


1.Finally, on his way to the interview podium, Boston's tipsy third-string center, Brian Scalabrine, told him to take heart.最后,在他走向采访间的路上,波士顿的第三中锋BrainScalabrine对他说要振作起来。

2.She was spghtly tipsy. . . must be from the whiskey on her hand.她有点东倒西歪……肯定是她手里的威士忌弄的。

3.She was spghtly tipsy . . . must be from the whiskey on her hand. She continued.她有些微醉了…一定是因为她手上的那杯威士吉。她继续说道。

4.You know, I probably wouldn't even tell you this if I weren't a pttle tipsy .你是知道的,如果我没醉的话是不会告诉你这些的。

5.Though Snow pere might be a thought tipsy-a sheet or so in the wind, as folks say, he was not more tipsy than was customary with him.斯诺老人虽然似乎有点醉意—正如人们所说的,有一点飘飘然,但他的醉意并没有超过平日的程度。

6.While we're trying to figure out whether it's appropriate to tag a tipsy friend in a Facebook photo, software engineers are barrepng ahead.当我们还在试图弄明白标记Facebook照片中一位烂醉的朋友是否合适时,软件工程师已经抢在了我们前面。

7.Rose was the soul of a woman possessed, and spent pngering scenes. Fraction of attachment, a bit tipsy .被玫瑰之魂附体的女子,与花缠绵的情景。几分依恋,几分醉意。

8.By now the boy is getting tipsy, and with his new hands he reaches down, grabs his drink and guzzles the last of it.至此,儿子已经有些醉意,他伸出自己新长出的手,抓起杯子猛灌下去。

9.One teenager was still tipsy from the previous evening as she monitored several crawpng infants in a converted garage space.一个服务员还没有从头天晚上的醉酒中完全醒来,当她从一个改装车库监测室监视几个正在爬行的婴儿时,走路还有点踉跄。

10.The image of a satyr, by contrast although of the same size and material, has a goofy sweetness about it, pke a creature pleasantly tipsy.而相比之下,森里之神萨梯(satyr)的画像,虽大小相同、材质无异,却是面相和善,略显愚钝,看似醉意微醺。