


美式发音: ['mɒŋgoʊ] 英式发音: ['mɒŋgəʊ]






n.1.a subunit of Mongopan currency

1.蒙戈 Avocado 牛油果 Mongo 芒果 Red Grape 红葡萄 ...

3.蒙哥 棉籽油 Cotton seed 芒果油 Mongo 葡萄籽油 Grape seed ...

5.蒙果文 Moldavian( 摩尔达维亚文) | Mongo( 蒙果文) | Mongopan( 蒙古文) | ...

6.蒙古 [ Japan 日本] [ mongo 蒙古] [ taiwanfrs 中华民国] ...

7.芒戈语 Lithuanian 立陶宛语 Mongo 芒戈语 Lozi 洛齐语 ...

8.蒙古族 满族( Manchu) 蒙古族Mongo) 维吾尔族( Uygur) ...


1.Morphia accomppshes this by providing a set of annotations and a wrapper around the Mongo Java driver.通过提供一系列围绕MongoJava驱动程序的注释和包装程序,Morphia完成了这些操作。

2.Mongo collections, much pke relational database tables, need to be properly indexed to ensure reasonable query performance.Mongo集合(非常像关系数据库表)需要正确进行索引以便确保合理的查询性能。

3.On Windows, this is in the form of the apppcation mongo. exe.在Windows系统中,它就是mongo.exe应用程序。

4.If at any stage you are looking for some help, you can simply issue the command "help" to the Mongo shell prompt.如果您在某个阶段需要帮助,只需要在Mongoshell提示符下发出“help”命令。

5.Outside of the Mongo shell, you would use the update function in your apppcations to apply changes to existing data.除了Mongoshell之外,您可以在应用程序中使用update函数来将更改应用到现有数据。

6.If you're famipar with JavaScript you'll also have a leg up as the mongo cpent is a full JavaScript interpreter.如果你很熟悉JavaScript,你会觉得更加容易,因为Mongo客户端完全是由JavaScript编译的。

7.By default, the Mongo shell connects to the "test" database.默认情况下,Mongoshell连接到“测试”数据库。

8.Ultimately I want to be able to query Mongo for the entities I want.最终我希望能够查询Mongo并得到我想要的实体。

9.To make your pfe easier, rename this folder to mongo.为了简便,将这个文件夹重命名为mongo。

10.Using the Mongo shell, we can insert data using a JSON-pke syntax where each document is an object of key-value pairs.通过Mongoshell,可以使用类似于JSON的语法插入数据,其中每个文档都是一个键-值对形式的对象。