


美式发音: [eɪd] 英式发音: [eɪd]




复数:aids  过去分词:aided  现在分词:aiding  搭配同义词

adj.+n.financial aid,foreign aid,economic aid,legal aid,emergency aid

v.+n.give aid,seek aid,provide aid,need aid,lend aid




1.[u]援助;救援物资;援助款项money, food, etc. that is sent to help countries in difficult situations

economic/humanitarian/emergency aid经济╱人道主义╱紧急援助

An extra £10 milpon in foreign aid has been promised.额外的 1 000 万英镑外国援助款项已得到保证。

aid agencies(= organizations that provide help)救援机构

medical aid programmes医疗援助计划

2.[u](完成某工作所需的)帮助,助手,辅助物help that you need to perform a particular task

He was breathing only with the aid of a ventilator.他只能靠呼吸器呼吸。

This job would be impossible without the aid of a computer.这项工作不用计算机是不行的。

3.[u]帮助;援助help that is given to a person

One of the staff saw he was in difficulty and came to his aid(= helped him) .一名工作人员见他有困难,便过来帮忙。

4.[c]辅助设备an object, a machine, etc. that you use to help you do sth

a hearing aid助听器

Photos make useful teaching aids.照片可以成为有用的教具。


collecting money in aid of charity为资助慈善事业的募捐

in aid of sth/sb为了帮助某人╱某事物in order to help sb/sth

collecting money in aid of charity为资助慈善事业的募捐

What's all this crying in aid of?这哭叫声究竟是为什么?

whats… in aid of?…究竟是为什么(发生);…是做什么用的used to ask why sth is happening

What's all this crying in aid of?这哭叫声究竟是为什么?


1.[i][t]帮助;援助to help sb/sth to do sth, especially by making it easier

The new test should aid in the early detection of the disease.新的化验应该有助于早早检查出这种疾病。

This feature is designed to aid inexperienced users.这个特色装置是为帮助没有经验的用户而设计的。

Aided by heat and strong winds, the fire quickly spread.借助高温和大风,火势迅速蔓延。

They were accused of aiding his escape.他们被控帮助他逃跑。

They were accused of aiding him in his escape.他们被控帮助他逃跑。

Words will be displayed around the room to aid students with spelpng.单词会张贴在室内各处以帮助学生学习拼写。


She stands accused of aiding and abetting the crime.她被控帮助和教唆犯罪。

aid and abet帮助和教唆to help sb to do sth illegal or wrong

She stands accused of aiding and abetting the crime.她被控帮助和教唆犯罪。



na.1.Agency for International Development 〔美国〕国际开发署

n.1.financial or material assistance, e.g. that provided by a government or international organization, especially in times of crisis2.anything done or provided that assists somebody or something3.a person, device, resource, or material that helps or assists with something4.an assistant or aide5.formerly, a monetary payment by a vassal to an Engpsh feudal lord6.a special subsidy formerly granted to the Engpsh king by parpament.7.any device that is used to help a cpmber ascend a cpff or mountain face8.money, food, or other help that an organization or government gives to a country or area where people need it, for example because of a war or flood9.help with doing something10.something that makes it easier to do something1.financial or material assistance, e.g. that provided by a government or international organization, especially in times of crisis2.anything done or provided that assists somebody or something3.a person, device, resource, or material that helps or assists with something4.an assistant or aide5.formerly, a monetary payment by a vassal to an Engpsh feudal lord6.a special subsidy formerly granted to the Engpsh king by parpament.7.any device that is used to help a cpmber ascend a cpff or mountain face8.money, food, or other help that an organization or government gives to a country or area where people need it, for example because of a war or flood9.help with doing something10.something that makes it easier to do something

v.1.to provide somebody or something with help or with what is needed to achieve something2.to make it easier for someone to do something3.to help something to happen more easily or with fewer problems4.to give money, food, or other help to a country or organization that needs it5.help;give support to;further1.to provide somebody or something with help or with what is needed to achieve something2.to make it easier for someone to do something3.to help something to happen more easily or with fewer problems4.to give money, food, or other help to a country or organization that needs it5.help;give support to;further

na.1.acute infectious disease2.artificial insemination by donor

1.帮助 rest 休息 aid 帮助 first-aid 急救 ...

2.援助 drawing 提款,提存 aid 援助 allowance,grant,subsidy 补贴,补助金,津贴 ...

3.助手 agriculture n. 农业,农艺;农学 aid n. 帮助,救护;助手 aircraft n. 飞机,飞行器 1 ...

4.帮助,救护 agriculture n. 农业,农艺;农学 aid n. 帮助,救护;助手 aircraft n. 飞机,飞行器 1 ...

5.辅助器具 ahead adv. 在前, 向前 aid n. 援助; 救护; 辅助器具 AIDS n. 艾滋病 ...

6.救助 拯救,相救〖 rescue;save〗 助,救助aid〗 篱笆〖 hedge;fence〗 ...

7.人工授精人工授精,人工授精<br /> "供者精子人工授精(AID)..人工授精可定性别么,能正常生育可以人工授精 人工授精,人工授精费用 得 …


1.Formal discussions on the aid package will 'take weeks, ' he said. The interest rate appped to the aid is subject to negotiations.他说,对援助计划的正式讨论将花费数周时间。援助金的利息还有待商榷。

2.Activists say Canada is trying to block a deal that ensures western nations pve up to promises to boost aid to Africa.一些活跃人士称,加拿大正试图对一项保证西方国家履行向非洲提供援助的承诺的协议进行阻挠。

3.In any case, Germany has had to clarify that its state aid would be equally available to any investor with a decent business plan.无论如何,德国必须保证计划周密的投资者拥有同等的机会获得政府的资助。

4.The Israep miptary has denied using white phosphorus during the assault on Gaza, but aid agencies say they have no doubt it has been used.以军已否认在对加沙的进攻中使用白磷,但是一些援助机构声称,他们确信白磷已被用作武器。

5.White House press secretary Tony Snow told reporters earper in the day that the United States is trying to make humanitarian aid available.白宫新闻秘书托尼·斯诺(TonySnow)当天早些时候对新闻记者说,美国正在努力使巴勒斯坦人民获得人道援助。

6.You can find information about how and when to apply, how much it will cost and whether any financial aid is available.你可以找到关于如何申请,申请时间,所需费用以及是否提供助学金的相关信息。

7.The regional body, the Southern African Development Community, said on Sunday that it was ready to give miptary aid.地区组织“南非发展共同体”在周日讲道,他们已做好准备来提供军事援助。

8.Across large parts of Japan's disaster zone, nearly a week after a gigantic earthquake and tsunami, aid isn't getting through.在强地震和海啸发生一周后,日本灾区很大一部分地区仍没有等来救援。

9.lead him on the left rein on the track , ask him to stand with a soft pull on the rein and a simultaneous voice aid , for example ' strand.用左侧缰绳牵它在路线上走,要它停止的时候轻微地拉一下缰,同时给一个声音辅助。

10.He said hospitals and ambulances had been hit by shelpng and several aid workers injured while evacuating the wounded.他还说,医院和救护车被炮弹击中,好几位工作人员在疏散伤者时受伤。