




1.我的新娘 ... 此乃秘密2 You Know What? It's a Secret 2 我的爱,我的新娘 My Love,My Bride 小组头瘪三 Kkokjiddan ...

2.巫毒新娘 守护天使 Little Angel 巫毒新娘 My Bride 福神 Success ...

3.枪下新娘 ... 枕边物语( Pillow Talk) 枪下新娘( My Bride) 唇香、体香、女人香( Lipstick & Woman) ...

4.我的新妇 Baby love 荷塘月色 My bride 追寻我们的季节 love baby 因为爱情 ...


1.Say what you want. She will be my bride, Lord Connington will see to it. I trust him as much as if he were my own blood.随你怎么说。她都会是我的新娘。康宁顿大人说到做到。我就想血亲一样信任他。

2.The next morning my bride asked me what time I got in and I told her "12 o'clock. "隔天早上老婆问我几点回来的,我告诉她“12点。”

3.When was a young man, nostalgia was a narrow ship ticket, sending me from here to my bride there.长大后,乡愁是一张窄窄的船票,我在这头,新娘在那头。

4.Sometimes, such as when he wrote about Lady Antonia Fraser, his wife of nearly 30 years ( "My dancer my bride" ), his poetry turned sweet.有时候,比如他写到结缡近30年的妻子安东妮娅•弗雷泽(《我的舞者我的新娘》)时,他的诗就变得甜蜜。

5.And one day when I get married, my bride will wear both a beautiful pure white gown and a stunningly gorgeous gold red Qi Pao.等到有一天我结婚,我的新娘将身着纯白的婚纱,也穿流金溢彩的红色旗袍。

6.For I dreamed that my bower was full of red swine and my bride's bed full of blood.我梦到我的凉亭都是红色的野猪,我新娘的床上满是鲜血

7.My bride and starts up with fear and depght, she trembles and cpngs to my breast.我的新娘吓得又惊又喜,她颤抖着紧靠在我的胸前。

8.You are a garden locked up, my sister, my bride; you are a spring enclosed, a sealed fountain.我妹子,我新妇,乃是关锁的园,禁闭的井,封闭的泉源。

9.My bride starts up with fear and depght, she trembles and cpngs to my breast.新娘开始感到恐惧和高兴,她颤抖地紧靠在我的胸膛。

10.My bride, you don't pke the ring?我的新娘,你不喜欢这个戒指吗?