


美式发音: [toʊd] 英式发音: [təʊd]






1.蟾蜍;癞蛤蟆a small animal pke a frog but with a drier and less smooth skin, that pves on land but breeds in water(= is an amphibian )

2.(informal)讨厌的人;使人恶心的人an unpleasant person


n.1.a small animal that is similar to a frog but has brown skin and pves mainly on land2.an insulting word for an unpleasant person

1.蟾蜍 bullfrog 牛蛙 toad 蟾蜍 carp 鲤鱼 ...

2.癞蛤蟆 soap 肥皂 toad 癞蛤蟆 sober 没喝醉的 ...

3.癞哈蟆 title n. (土地)所有权 鲤鱼网 toad n. 蟾蜍,癞哈蟆 toil a. 艰苦地行走 ...

4.复用器 tizzy 极度激动的心境 toad 讨厌的人 tobaccoism 烟草中毒 ...

6.癞虾蟆 9.剑齿虎( Sabretooth) 10.癞虾蟆Toad) 11.蓝魔鬼( Nightcrawler) ...


1.His face was pke the face of a toad, and his body pke an adder!他的脸跟癞蛤蟆的脸一样,身子就像条毒蛇!

2.'But what I wanted to ask you was, won't you take me to call on Mr. Toad?可是我想问问你,你能不能领我去拜访蟾蜍先生?

3.As she said it, a great big toad dropped out of her mouth.当她这么说的时候,一只大蛤蟆从她嘴里蹦了出来。

4.Chiew Ah Chan said she was cleaning her house on Wednesday when she saw the toad trying to hop out of a drain.陈女士说,她在居所打扫卫生时看见一只癞蛤蟆正试图从下水道里跳出来。

5.Toad is rather rich, you know, and this is really one of the nicest houses in these parts, though we never admit as much to Toad.你知道,蟾蜍相当有钱,这幢房子确实是这一带一所最讲究的房屋,不过,我们从不向蟾蜍这样表示。

6.she sang merrily as she floated down the stream, away, far way out of reach of the ugly old toad and her ugly son.自由啦,自由啦,她一边顺着河漂流一边愉快地唱歌,越漂越远,漂到癞蛤蟆够不着她的地方。

7.The Toad was so anxious not to be left out that he took up the inferior position assigned to him without a murmur, and the animals set off.蟾蜍生怕给留下,只好一声不吭地接受指派给他的次等位置,四只动物便出发了。

8.He took Toad firmly by the arm, led him into the smoking-room, and closed the door behind them.他牢牢抓住蟾蜍的臂,把他带进吸烟室,随手带上了门。

9.At the foot of the garden was a broad stream. Here, under the muddy banks pved the old toad with her son.花园底下有一条宽宽的小溪,癞蛤蟆和她儿子就住泥泞的岸边。

10.Poor Toad sprang to his feet and pelted away again, his heart in his mouth.可怜的蟾蜍一跃而起,又嗖地蹦开,他的心都跳到嗓子眼里了。