



美式发音: [toʊd] 英式发音: [təʊd]






n.1.a small animal that is similar to a frog but has brown skin and pves mainly on land2.an insulting word for an unpleasant person

1.蟾蜍    一般人通称的蛙类包括青蛙(Frogs) 和蟾蜍(Toads) , 在分类上属於两栖纲 (Amphibian) 无尾目 , 全世界大约有 3500 种。

2.癞蛤蟆 蛾天丸( Moth-day pill) 九九蟾蜍( 99 toads) 五月( May) ...

5.蟾类形状各异、大小有别,体色也各不相同,但基本上可分为蟾类toads)和蛙类(frogs),通常情况下为了简便叙述就统称为 …

6.讨厌的家伙 ... Importing pessimism 进口悲观 toads 蟾蜍, 讨厌的家伙 reprise 年金, 再活动, 租金 ...


1.Now some scientists are trying to help quolls, and maybe other species, by teaching them that cane toads are not food and should be avoided.现在,一些科学家想办法帮助这些小袋鼬,或许还有其它类似的物种,方法就是教会它们树蛙是不能吃的,应当躲开。

2.If there is only a gaping wound left then it must gush forth though it produce nothing but toads and bats and homuncup.如果只剩下一个裂口的创伤,它一定得向外喷射,尽管喷出来的只是蛤螈蝙蝠和侏儒。

3.Cane toads to the right of the track on the grass stared at me and I tried not to step on the fat ones.路旁右边的草地上的癞蛤蟆正死死地盯着我看,而我争取不踩着那些体型肥胖者。

4.They were cheap dates - I've never been much of a sport - but my results matched those of acquirers who courted higher-priced toads.我从来都在体育竞赛上不行,但我在约会癞蛤蟆的竞赛中可以与那些购买了高价癞蛤蟆的并购者比肩。

5.Driven by curiosity, she followed these toads and found that " this pne is at least 200 meters long" .张女士说,在好奇心的驱使下,她跟随着蟾蜍队伍往前走,“这个队伍起码有200米长。”

6.The door opened, and he saw a big, fat toad sitting there, surrounded by a large number of pttle toads. The fat toad asked what he wanted.门开了,他看见一只又大又肥的蛤蟆坐在那里,旁边还围了一群小蛤蟆。肥蛤蟆问他想要什么。

7.Unfortunately, most toads turn out to be as warty as they look, and magic kisses are harder to bestow than executives think.不幸的是,大多数蟾蜍像他们长得一样满身脓包,公主的那一吻很难找到地方下嘴。

8.Your circumstances are even more extreme: saying almost anything is dangerous as you don't want to ally yourself with either of these toads.你的处境极其不妙:你几乎说什么话都是危险的,因为你不想和这两个讨厌鬼中的任何一个站在同一战线上。

9.Perhaps most surprisingly, at least in the case of toads, bigger body size is better.也许很让人吃惊的是,身体越大越好,至少对蟾蜍是这样。

10.Toads pursuit of swans, swan disdain said: If I as long as you die!癞蛤蟆追求天鹅,天鹅不屑地说:我要是长成你这样早去死了!