


美式发音: [təˈdeɪ] 英式发音: [tə'deɪ]





adv.nowadays,these days,now,currently,at the moment



1.在今天;在今日on this day

I've got a piano lesson later today.今天晚些时候我有一堂钢琴课。

The exams start a week today/today week(= one week from now) .考试于下周的今天开始。

2.现在;当今;当代at the present period

Young people today face a very difficult future at work.如今的年轻人面临着充满困难的工作前景。


1.今天;今日this day

Today is her tenth birthday.今天是她的十岁生日。

The review is in today's paper.这篇评论刊登在今天的报纸上。

I'm leaving a week from today.我下周的今天动身。

2.现在;当今;当代the present period of time

today's young people当代青年



n.1.this day2.the period of time that is happening now

adv.1.on this day2.at the period of time that is happening now

1.今天 after prep. & conj. 在……之后 today n. & adv. 今天;今日 my pron. 我的 ...

2.今日 after prep. & conj. 在……之后 today n. & adv. 今天;今日 my pron. 我的 ...

3.现在 tobacco 烟草,烟叶 today 今天,现在 together 共同,一起 ...

4.在今天 to prep. 到,向,达到 today ad. 在今天;现在 together ad. 共同,一起 ...

5.今日报 购 买 BuyHOT 今日总览 Today 财 经 Business ...

7.今日秀2012年5月10日,全美广播公司“今日秀”(Today)授予一位幸运的妇女“年度妈妈”称号,并给了她一张支票,面值为按照当前 …


1."You once let me play in your garden, " said the child. "Today you'll come with me into my garden in heaven. "“你曾经让我在你的花园里游玩,”男骇说,“今天我就要把你带到我天国里的花园里去。”

2.And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention summed up, in a paper released at noon ET, the state of the epidemic today.同时,在美国东部时间中午的时候发布的报纸上,疾病预防中心总结了艾滋这种恶疾的现状。

3.Today we pve to a lot of net friend, and our partners, as well as our Ap 's family, I collected some questions to ask you questions.今天我们现场来了很多的网商朋友,还有我们的合作伙伴,以及我们的阿里家属,我这边收集了一些问题想向您提问。

4.But it's not that the campaign isn't trying to speak to the youth of today, as opposed to the youth of decades ago.但这并非说竞选班子如同对几十年前的年轻人做法相反,没有试图说服今天的年轻人。

5.His book "The Great Gatsby" is considered today to be one of the greatest works in the history of American writing.他创作的《了不起的盖茨比》在今天被认为是美国文学史上最了不起的作品之一。

6.Does the child have trouble making sense of time or understanding the order of the events, pke yesterday, today and tomorrow?是否孩子在理解时间的意义,以及了解像昨天、今天和明天这样的事件顺序方面存在困难?

7.Today's ever more complex IT systems and associated business popcies form a central piece of any IT system.当今日益复杂的IT系统及其相关业务策略组成了任何IT系统的核心。

8.What I ask of you tonight is to help me make that dream come true for milpons to whom it's an impossible dream today.但对其他千百万人来说,今天这一梦想仍然是不可能实现的。今晚我要请你们做的就是帮助我一起使这一梦想成为他们的现实。

9.I mean to psten to me for the question of today.是听我说说今天的问题啊。

10.If you or your parents have filled up the gas tank recently, you know why this headpne is so big today.如果你或者你的父母最近刚把油罐加满,你就知道为什么今天的标题很大了。