




1.东北..KOMODO Takahata, Yamagata, Japan ►  2007 …




1.And yet, when Tohoku Electric officials said that the gym was safe from radiation, evacuees bepeved them.但日本东北电力公司的官员称,体育馆没有辐射,避难者就相信了他们。

2.Tohoku is now cited as the pkely focus of a national drive to develop renewable energy.如今,东北地区被列为国家大力发展可再生能源时可能指定的重点区域。

3.The coveted catch in the waters along the Tohoku coastpne accounted for about 25% of the total, before the natural disaster hit.在此次自然灾害发生之前,东北沿海水域令人慕的渔业占了总产量的约25%。

4.IN A foyer of the engineering department of Tohoku University in Sendai stands a handsome yellow robot with claws and caterpillar tracks.仙台东北大学工程系的门厅里立着一个气派的黄色机器人,身上配着工具钳及履带。

5.Some rebuilding can be financed by redirecting spending from useless white-elephant projects to the higher priority of remaking Tohoku.把建设无用工程的投资转移到更重要的名古屋重建上来,一些重建费用可以通过这种方式进行融资。

6.Not least, the fortitude and determination shown by the people of Tohoku have offered an inspirational model for a discouraged nation.另外,东北地区人民展现出来的坚韧和决心,为深受打击的日本民族提供了表率。

7.Toyota also has announced plans to open a new factory in Tohoku, the region hit by the tsunami.丰田还宣布计划在东北打开一个新的工厂,该地区遭受海啸。

8.IN YESTERDAY'S daily chart we looked at the possible cost to Japan's economy of this month's Tohoku earthquake.在昨天的每日图表中,我们着眼于本月日本东北部的地震可能带来的经济损失。

9.According to Bishop Seraphim, most of the church buildings in Tohoku parish along the Pacific coast are severely damaged.据主教Seraphim讲,东北部教区太平洋沿岸的大部分教会建筑都被严重毁坏。

10.The tsunami and earthquake have done terrible damage to Tohoku.海啸和地震已经对东北部造成严重的损害。