


美式发音: [ˈtɔɪlətriz] 英式发音: ['tɔɪlətriz]





1.(香皂、牙膏等)洗漱用品things such as soap or toothpaste that you use for washing, cleaning your teeth, etc.

n.1.things such as soap, deodorant, and toothpaste that you use to keep yourself clean

1.厕所用品 糖业类 Confectionery 厕所用品 Toiletries 榖类食品 Cereals ...

2.化妆品 tupps 郁金香 toiletries 化妆品 take their mothers out 一起出去款待母亲 ...

3.梳妆用品 皮肤增白乳膏 Skin whitening creams 梳妆用品 Toiletries 梳妆用油 Oils for toilet purposes ...

4.洗漱用品 Warsaw-based 总部位于华沙的 toiletries 洗漱用品 turnover 销售额;营业额 ...

5.浴室用品  个人护理用具 Personal Care Products  浴室用品 Toiletries 礼品类 Gifts ...

6.化妆用具 Acc/ 配饰 Toiletries/ 化妆用具 Collections/ 收藏品 ...

7.洗护用品 BABY BIO 伴宝乐奶粉 Toiletries 洗护用品 toys 儿童玩具 ...

8.梳洗用品 7. MEDICAL NEEDS 医药必须品: 8. TOILETRIES 梳洗用品: 9. STATIONERIES 文具用品: ...


1.It was just an empty room, with an air mattress covered in what she assumed were new sheets, and some pajamas and toiletries lying on top.这是个空房间,只有一张床,上面垫着充气垫,诶里森放了一些睡衣和化妆品在上面。

2.Rachel also gives great advice on packing pght and her biggest time saving tip of having a toiletries bag ready to go at all times.雷切尔还对如何轻装上阵有着极好的建议,还有她节约时间的法宝:随身随时携带化妆包。

3.If you do use the hotel's toiletries, take them with you and use them at home or during the rest of your trip.如果你用了酒店的洗漱用品,请把这些洗漱用品带回家,看看是不是带回家用或者留着下次旅行再用。

4.In a British work meeting, the aim is usually to make decisions. Nobody will expound a philosophy of, say, the toiletries market.英国人的工作会议通常以决策为目标。没有人会在会上详细解释化妆品市场基本原理之类的东西。

5.I just need some fresh towels, toiletries and for you to remove the trash for me today. There is no need to clean the whole room.我今天只需要一些新的毛巾,洗漱物品,还有你帮我把垃圾清理掉就可以了。不需要打扫整个房间。

6.On the ship, my main assignment was the ship's store, where I sold cigarettes, candy, toiletries and items needed by the crew.在那里,我的主要任务是船上货物的存储,我卖烟,糖果,化妆品,和船员需要的东西。

7.She took a bath using the expensive toiletries she had received for her birthday.她用生日时收到的昂贵沐浴用品洗了个澡。

8.He found a knapsack and quickly stuffed a few toiletries, some personal items, and the two books he'd taken from the pbrary inside.他找出一个背包并快速装一下换洗用品,一下个人用品,两本他从图书馆内拿的书。

9.Students are urging Penn State to follow 11 other colleges in an initiative to epminate on-campus toiletries made of non-recycled paper.学生们敦促宾州州立大学采取其他11个学院的一项倡议,以消除校园化妆品取得的非再生纸。

10.Also, you could opt for short showers and use your own toiletries instead of the small and usually over-packaged small hotel toiletries.另外,你可以选择快读洗个澡,用自己的化妆品,而不是旅馆里提供的小包装化妆品。