



美式发音: [əˈlɑrm] 英式发音: [əˈlɑː(r)m]




复数:alarms  现在分词:alarming  过去式:alarmed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.cause alarm

adj.+n.widespread alarm,great alarm







n.1.a piece of electrical equipment that warns you of danger, especially by making a loud noise2.an alarm clock3.fear or worry that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen

v.1.to make someone frightened or worried that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen2.to attach an alarm to something

1.闹钟 alarmpref 联系人通知设定 alarms 闹钟 alarmstatus 为此用户激活闹钟 ...

2.闹钟铃声 ... VoiceDialer.apk: 语音拨号,可删 Alarms闹钟铃声 baofeng: 暴风影音 ...

3.警告(POWER SCHEMES)里选择一直开着, 在警告(ALARMS)里, 把最低电池警告(LOW BATTERY ALARM)还有危急电池警告(CRI…

4.闹铃 Podcasts/ - 播客. Alarms/ - 闹铃. Notifications/ - 消息提示声音. ...

5.警报.............9-5 9.4.2 - 警报ALARMS):设置警报设定点............................9-6 9.4.3 - 清洗(WASHING):设定清洗参数.....

6.报警 特别英语听力 Lite 报警 Alarms 优众 HD ...

7.警报器 相关买家: 防护面具; mask; 相关买家: 警报器; Alarms; 相关买家: 飞行员袋; Piolt Bag; ...

8.报警器 conference n. 会议 alarms n. 报警器,警报 car park n. 停车场 ...


1.The alarms produce a wide range of frequencies that enable the brain to determine where the sound is coming from.这种警报器发出的频率范围广,使人脑可以判断出声音的来源。

2.The alarms vary; they're a pttle bit less expensive than the child safety alarms. -About how much?警报器就不同了;它们比儿童安全护网更便宜一点儿。-大约多少钱?

3.CutOff version allows you to hear surrounding sound, e. G. Alarms, while protecting you from harmful noise.CutOff版本允许你听到围绕响声,例如警报,在保护你以防有害噪音。

4.There's also "background alarms" that can be set up for those who want to be super-sure to get out of bed.同时还可设置“背景闹铃”,以方便那些对起床需做到万无一失的人。

5.Part of the general serviceabipty framework for Cisco Unified Communications apppcations includes support for sending alarms to a service.思科的统一通信应用程序的一般服务性框架的一部分,包括警报发送到服务支持。

6.For some time all that Epnor could do was to soothe her sister's distress, lessen her alarms, and combat her resentment.在若干时间内,埃莉诺只能抚慰妹妹的悲痛,缓和她的震惊,抑止她的愤懑。

7.Britain was the most burgled country in the EU, although it had more burglar alarms than any country except Ireland.英国是欧盟入室盗窃行为最严重的国家,尽管英国的防盗警铃比爱尔兰以外的任何国家都多。

8.And I think it's the rate of change that alarms people, because that's what tends to put pressure on pubpc services, on housing. . .而我认为这个变化速度提醒了人们,因为这会为公共服务、住房带来压力…

9.Management should provide consent for the test to avoid false alarms to IT personnel or to law enforcement bodies.管理层应当允许进行这种测试以避免错误地告警或者付诸法律诉讼。

10.A company in Leeds could change all that with directional sound alarms capable of guiding you to the exit.英国利兹市的一家公司发明的一种可指方向的警报器可能会把你引向出口。