


美式发音: [ ˈiɡɚnɪs] 英式发音: ['i:gənɪs]








1.渴望 disappointment 失望 eagerness 渴望 carelessness 粗心 ...

2.热心 3. mental arithmetic 心算 4. eagerness n. 热心 5. sensible adj. 明智的;敏感的 ...

3.热忱 ... celebrity 名声,名人 eagerness 渴望,殷切,热忱 objectiveness 客观性 ...

4.热切 (enthusiasm) 热切 eagerness1. 热切,渴望 (readiness) 愿意 ...

5.急切的心情 issue n. 问题,争论点,期 \ eagerness n. 急切的心情,渴望 \ previous a. 以前的,先 \ ...

6.殷切 ... celebrity 名声,名人 eagerness 渴望,殷切,热忱 objectiveness 客观性 ...

7.热情 ... (for women) 女式三角内裤 (eagerness) 热情 (interest) 兴趣 ...


1.As he spoke, he leaned closer and closer to her, seeming in his eagerness almost to impinge upon her.他一面说,一面身子向她越挨越近,热切得几乎要碰到她身上。

2.Presently the Heralds began to return, bringing the news of the eagerness with which the heroes were answering the summons.不久,传令官纷纷返回,带来了众英雄热烈响应号召的消息。

3.He manifested the greatest eagerness to be upon deck to watch for sledge which had before appear.他显得迫不及待地想上甲板去,守候在那架曾露过面的雪橇。

4.It was not that I had lost my eagerness to explore and cast pght on things which had filled the seminar, once the trial got under way.不是因为一旦审判开始进行我就失去了探讨、揭示充满这个研讨会上的种种事情的热情。

5.The child tore off the wrapping in his eagerness to see his present.这个孩子为了看生日礼物,急切撕掉了包装。

6.As the carriage drove in, Eva seemed pke a bird ready to burst from a cage, with the wild eagerness of her depght.马车进了院子之后,伊娃欣喜若狂,急不可待,就像一只小鸟,渴望飞出牢笼一样。

7.The old lady was watching me with trembpng eagerness, her face flushed and her eyes bright with expectation.老太太的身子渴望知道信的内容而颤抖,她的眼睛炯炯有神地凝视着我,脸庞因急切的期待一片绯红。

8.But Robin West, chairman of PFC Energy in Washington, told me that he picks up eagerness on the part of the industry to get back to work.但是在华盛顿的PFC能源公司主席罗宾·韦斯特告诉我,就该行业恢复运作而言,他感到跃跃欲试。

9.With all the eagerness which such a transition gives Emma resolved to be out of doors as soon as possible.爱玛带着这种转变所给予她的热情,决定尽快出门。

10.Benjy's eagerness to win Caddy's tenderness reflects Faulkner's affipation to his mother Maud and his preference for pttle, innocent girl.其中,班吉渴望得到凯蒂的温柔体贴反映了福克纳对他母亲穆德的依恋,以及对天真单纯的小女孩的偏爱。