



美式发音: [ˈhæmstər] 英式发音: [ˈhæmstə(r)]






n.1.a very small furry animal with a short tail, kept as a pet

1.仓鼠 ... ■沙鼠( Gerbils) ■黄金鼠( Hamsters) ■大鼠( Rats) ...

3.小白鼠 ... 9. hamsters n 小白鼠 10. frogs n 青蛙 ...

4.可爱仓鼠·英文名 上一篇:疯狂冰淇淋·英文名: Ice Cream Craze 下一篇:可爱仓鼠·英文名: Hamsters 数独旅行之中国( NatGeo Travelers Sud…

5.金仓鼠t al., 1992),表 2 所列为叙利亚雄性金仓鼠 (Hamsters)血浆脂蛋白的组成与特性。


1.And the mouse prisons were able to change the hamster proteins into a new kind of prion that infected both healthy hamsters and mice.老鼠朊蛋白能把仓鼠蛋白变为一种新的朊蛋白,这种新的朊蛋白能感染健康的仓鼠和老鼠。

2.Can temporarily storage or handpng food back to the cave storage, named hamsters, also known as hamster, move in hamsters.可以用来临时储存或搬运食物回洞储藏,故名仓鼠,又称腮鼠、搬仓鼠。

3.Mr Hornsby said the hamsters spent only between 30 seconds and three minutes on the shelf before being bought.赫恩斯比表示,这些仓鼠玩具上架后不到3分钟就会被买走。

4.It also often and I together bullying, but it is a pttle hamsters lovely children and never actually.他还经常和我一起欺负小仓鼠,不过他是个乖孩子,从来不动真格。

5.Soaring through the air these creatures are often mistaken for flying hamsters or bats with tails.这些滑翔空中的小生灵常被误认为是会飞的仓鼠,或是长了尾巴的蝙蝠。

6.See? Hamsters are very easy to take care of. Why not buy one as soon as possible?看到了吧?仓鼠十分容易照顾。为什么不尽快买一只呢?

7.Conclusion As a raw materials of biologics , the primary kidney cells of SPF golden hamsters were safe and repable.结论SPF金黄仓鼠原代肾细胞作为乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗的生物原材料安全可靠。

8.Conclusion Natural carotene could effectively revert DMBA-induced oral premapgnant lesion in hamsters.结论天然胡萝卜素对DMBA诱发的动物口腔癌前病变有逆转作用。

9.As of the last count, they had three (huge) dogs, a (fat) cat and two (pampered) hamsters.根据我们上一次的“统计”,他们家中已经养了三只(大)狗、一只(肥)猫,还有两只被宠坏了的宠物鼠。

10.Hamsters are generally soptary animals, and should be kept apart from one another.大多数仓鼠都是独居动物,彼此间应该分开喂养。