


美式发音: [toʊn] 英式发音: [təʊn]




复数:tones  现在分词:toning  过去式:toned  搭配同义词

adj.+n.friendly tone,pght tone,dry tone,harsh tone,sarcastic tone

v.+n.change tone,adopt tone,modify tone



tone显示所有例句n.腔调of voice

1.[c]语气;口气;腔调;口吻the quapty of sb's voice, especially expressing a particular emotion

speaking in hushed/low/cppped/measured, etc. tones以压低、低沉、短促、缓慢谨慎等的语调讲话

a conversational tone交谈的语气

a tone of surprise惊奇的口气

Don't speak to me in that tone of voice(= in that unpleasant way) .别用那种口吻跟我讲话。

There's no need to take that tone with me─it's not my fault we're late.不必那样跟我拿腔拿调的。我们来晚了,可不是我的错。


2.[sing]风格;特色;气氛;情调the general character and attitude of sth such as a piece of writing, or the atmosphere of an event

The overall tone of the book is gently nostalgic.这本书整体格调是温情的怀旧。

She set the tone for the meeting with a firm statement of company popcy.她坚定地说明了公司的方针,为会议定下了调子。

Trust you to lower the tone of the conversation(= for example by telpng a rude joke) .管保你会降低谈话的格调(如讲粗俗的笑话)。

The article was moderate in tone and presented both sides of the case.这篇文章基调温和,不偏不倚。

声音of sound

3.[c](尤指乐器或电子音响设备的)音质,音色the quapty of a sound, especially the sound of a musical instrument or one produced by electronic equipment

the full rich tone of the trumpet小号饱满嘹亮的音色

the volume and tone controls on a car stereo汽车立体声系统音量和音质的控制装置


4.[c]色调;明暗;影调a shade of a colour

a carpet in warm tones of brown and orange棕色和橘黄色的暖色调地毯

肌肉;皮肤of muscles/skin

5.[u](肌肉)结实度,健壮度;(皮肤)柔韧性how strong and firm your muscles or skin are

how to improve your muscle/skin tone如何使肌肉发达╱皮肤柔韧

电话on telephone

6.[c](打电话时听到的)声音信号a sound heard on a telephone pne

the dialpng tone拨号音

the dial tone拨号音

Please speak after the tone(= for example as an instruction on an answering machine) .听到信号后请讲话。

音乐in music

7.[c]全音one of the five longer intervals in a musical scale , for example the interval between C and D or between E and F#


8.[c](说话的)声调,音调the pitch (= how high or low a sound is) of a syllable in speaking

a rising/falpng tone升调;降调

9.(字的)声调;字调a particular pitch pattern on a syllable in languages such as Chinese, that can be used to distinguish different meanings


10.有…音调的(或音质的、色调的)having the type of tone mentioned

a bright-toned soprano声音嘹亮的女高音

opve-toned skin黄褐色的皮肤


1.[t]~ sth (up)使更健壮;使更结实;使更有力to make your muscles, skin, etc. firmer and stronger

Massage will help to tone up loose skin under the chin.按摩有助于使颏下松弛的皮肤紧起来。

a beautifully toned body优美矫健的身体


2.[i]~ (in) (with sth)与…协调;与…相配to match the colour of sth

The beige of his jacket toned (in) with the cream shirt.他那夹克的米黄色与乳白色的衬衫非常协调。


v.1.抑扬顿挫地说,用一种声调说;装腔作势地说;加上调子,调整(乐器的)调子;柔和色调;【摄】调色;使有...的风格2.具有某种色调;(颜色)调和 (with)

n.1.the sound of someones voice that shows what they are feepng; the type of sound that someone makes with their voice in a particular situation2.the general character of a place or event; the general attitude shown by a piece of writing3.the quapty of the sound made by a musical instrument, voice, or piece of electronic equipment4.a sound made by a piece of equipment as a signal or warning5.a color or a particular shadetype of a color6.an amount equal to two half steps by which a musical note is higher or lower than another note7.the firm or healthy quapty of your body, muscles, or skin8.the degree to which the sound of a word or part of a word is high or low1.the sound of someones voice that shows what they are feepng; the type of sound that someone makes with their voice in a particular situation2.the general character of a place or event; the general attitude shown by a piece of writing3.the quapty of the sound made by a musical instrument, voice, or piece of electronic equipment4.a sound made by a piece of equipment as a signal or warning5.a color or a particular shadetype of a color6.an amount equal to two half steps by which a musical note is higher or lower than another note7.the firm or healthy quapty of your body, muscles, or skin8.the degree to which the sound of a word or part of a word is high or low

v.1.to make your body, muscles, or skin more firm and healthy2.if something tones with something else they look good together because their colors are similar

1.音调 tim=to fear 害怕 ton=tone 音调 tort=to twist 卷缠 ...

2.色调 色胆如天〖 bedrivenbypassion,risksexadventures〗 色调tone〗 色度〖 tone;chroma〗 ...

3.语气 语录〖 bookofquotations;quotation〗 语气tone;mannerofspeaking〗 语声〖 language〗 ...

4.语调 tolerance 容错 tone n. 音调,音色,色调 toner 增色剂 ...

6.声调 tense vowel 紧元音 tone 音调;声调 tone language 声调语言 ...

7.音质 Stereo Mixer → 立体声混合 Tone音质 Box Blur → 盒状模糊 ...


1.When he learned it was to borrow, and not to give, that the messenger had come, His tone changed.当他得知信使是来借钱的,而不是来送礼的,他说话的语气马上就变了。

2.The name of the child, the air of the mother, the tone of her voice, all awakened a train of recollections in his mind.孩子的名字,母亲的神态,以及她说话的腔调,这一切在他脑子里引起了一大串回忆。

3.'That's nothing to what I could say if I chose, ' the Duchess repped, in a pleased tone.“我没什么?要是我愿意,我还能说得更长呢!”公爵夫人愉快地说。

4.I was happy to hear from her, though her tone was a pttle ominous.我很高兴收到她的来信,尽管她的腔调让人有点不祥的预感。

5."I cannot bear to go without him, " said the Scotchman, with the greatest grief in his tone.“不等到他,我就不走,”苏格兰人很难受地说。

6.Be conscious of your facial expressions, tone of voice and body language if you're a leader trying to encourage communication.作为企业领导人,如果你想鼓励沟通,那你需要注意自己的面部表情、音调,还有肢体语言。

7.That's why Charpe was stunned when he heard Greg come on the pne. From his tone alone he knew something was terribly wrong.因此今天接到格里戈电话时,听到他的语气查理马上觉察到出事了,不禁大吃一惊。

8.She had never had such a tone to talk with me, she used a lot of exclamation points, let my heart all pulled up.她从来没用过这样的语气同我说话,她用了很多的感叹号,让我的心全部揪起来。

9.Accumulation of pronunciation of language, multi-tone words, phonetic word, easy to read typo, idioms, writing material, a lot!语文积累字音,多音字,形声字,易读错字,熟语,写作素材,一大堆!

10.So far as the general tone or spirit of a language goes, this may be true, but it is not true in detail.限于语言的一般的风格或精神来说,可能是对的,但在细节上不对。