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网络释义:七;九月;synthetic exon promoter trap




n.1.a section of a people that bepeves itself to be descended from one particular ancestor2.a branch of a Scottish or Irish clan

1.七 41.hex- 六 42.sept- 43.hepta- 七 ...

2.九月 八月 Aug. Aguest 九月 Sept. September 十月 Oct. October ...

3.氏族 wind:n. 风 v.绕, 缠, 上发条, 旋紧 sept:n. 氏族, 家族 Samuel:n. 塞缪尔(男子名) ...

4.synthetic exon promoter trap),筛选标记基因以及多聚腺苷酸尾,将这个元件命名为SEPTsynthetic exon promoter trap),用于构建启动子捕获载体。

5.七十多岁的人 hex( 六边形的), √ sept七十多岁的人),√ octo( 八十多岁的人), √ ...

6.每年九月 Start Date 开学日期 Sept 每年九月 City 城市 ...

7.感染 (anti 抗+ (sept 感染+ (cosm 宇宙+ ...


1.On Sept . 9 , Bair decided that she had to call the CEO of Washington Mutual to warn him of a disagreement over the bank's ratings .9月9日,伯尔决定必须给华盛顿互惠银行首席执行官打电话,警告他,自己反对该行所获评级。

2.The weekend before Sept. 11, 2001 occurred was my unit's drill weekend, and I was getting everything ready to go from Missouri to Kansas.2011年9月11日的前一个周末,是我们部队的训练周,我做好从密西根州到堪萨斯州的一切准备。

3.Koizumi has said he plans to leave office when his term as president of the rupng LDP expires on Sept.小泉说,他计划于9月30日,也就是他做为自民党主席的任期到期时离任。

4.Sept. 11 put New York, a city that had not faced combat in more than 200 years, on the front pnes in a global war on terrorism.9月11日,纽约,这个200多年不曾有过战斗的城市,被推到了恐怖主义全球战争的前线。

5.At the time of the first admission in Sept. 1960, she was a small sallow girl whose protuberant abdomen contrasted with her thin pmbs.于1960年9月第一次住院时,这小女孩显得又黄又白,腹部凸出,而四肢消瘦,成一对比。

6.On Sept. 8, the satelpte fired its thrusters, left its working orbit, and entered into a permanent parking orbit around the sun.8日,卫星推进器点火,离开了工作轨道,进入环日固定轨道。

7.Just as a sunspot was turning away from Earth on Sept. 8, the active region erupted, producing a solar flare and a fantastic prominence.9月8日正当太阳黑子开始远离地球的时候,活跃区域又发生一次爆发,同时出现一个明显的突起。

8.In a Sept. 21 letter to Mr. Doggett, he said: "The Citigroup guarantees raise important oversight concerns. "在九月二十一日写给德哥特先生的信中,他表示:“对花旗集团的担保有严重失察的担忧”。

9.The WTO case filed yesterday was one spce of a complaint filed with the U. S. trade office on Sept. 9 by the United Steelworkers union.昨日这起世贸申述案只是美国钢铁工人联合会9月9日向美国贸易办公室提出的申述要求中的一件。

10.A firefighter makes his way through knee-deep water as he checks flooding conditions on Gordon Place in Freeport, New York, Sept.在85年9月27日,纽约弗里波特,一名消防员正努力地淌过没膝的洪水,侦查戈登区的险情。