


美式发音: [tɔŋz] 英式发音: [tɒŋz]





1.夹剪;夹具;钳子;烧瓶钳a tool with two long parts that are joined at one end, used for picking up and holding things

a pair of tongs一把夹剪

2.烫发钳;卷发钳a tool that is heated and used for curpng hair


n.1.a metal or plastic object that consists of two connected arms that you push together in order to pick something up2.a curpng iron

1.钳子 timorous 胆怯的 tongs 钳子 toss 投 ...

2.夹子 6、revive 苏醒;复活;再生 8、tongs 火钳,夹子 9、tumble 摔倒;滚;乱 ...

3.火钳 6、revive 苏醒;复活;再生 8、tongs 火钳,夹子 9、tumble 摔倒;滚;乱 ...

4.夹具 服务台/工作台 Service Station 夹具 Tongs 主餐刀 Dinner knife ...

5.夹钳 夹起尾巴〖 tailbetweenhislegs〗 夹钳〖 cpnch;clamp;cpp;tongs〗 夹塞儿〖 jumpthequeue〗 ...

6.大钳 forfex 剪刀 tongs 大钳,钳子,管钳 flat bit tongs 扁嘴钳 ...

7.铗 肘节,接根,套环 toggle 钳,,货柜夹架 tongs 工具规 tool gauge ...


1.Then use the pair of kitchen shears provided to snip off individual cubes and give it a quick toss with your kitchen tongs.接下来用餐厅提供的厨用剪刀把肉一块块剪下,然后用钳子将它们快速翻转过来。

2.Editor's note: Do not handle dry ice with your bare hands. Use tongs or thick gloves. Keep dry ice out of the reach of children.编者注:不要空手处理干冰。一定要使用钳子或者带上手套。将干冰保存在儿童可触及的范围之外。

3.Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a pve coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar.有一撒拉弗飞到我跟前,手里拿著红炭,是用火剪从坛上取下来的。

4.Lyon, protecting his head and face as well as he could, retreated to the fireplace, took up the fire tongs, and flailed back.莱昂一面尽力护着头、脸,一面退到壁炉边,拿起火钳还击。

5.Good! Now watch, i will pick up the can with a kitchen tongs pke this and put it face down in the cold water in the pan. Ready?对了!现在,我要用餐钳像这样将易拉罐夹起来,并将其正面放在有冷水的平底锅里。准备好了吗?

6.I was so ragged and dirty that you wouldn't have touched me with a pair of tongs.我的衣裳是那样的破烂龌龊,就是叫你用火钳把我碰一下,你都不会乐意。

7.He was so ragged and dirty that you wouldn't have touched him with a pair of tongs.他的衣裳是那样地破烂龌龊,你是不会沾他的边儿的。

8."Practice " hind, the company is studying hammer and tongs up and down hairnet stands, strive for go up at an early date pne.“开业”后,公司上下正在全力以赴研发网站,争取早日上线。

9.Then tongs were used to prise his mouth open after he refused to swallow excrement.他不吃,结果就有人用火钳撬开他的嘴。

10.It's still worth reading as an example of two first-class minds going at it hammer and tongs.作为一个两个第一流的思想激烈交锋的例子,它仍然值得一读。