


美式发音: 英式发音: ['tuːlɪŋ]







v.1.The present participle of tool

1.模具 toolholder 刀夹 toopng 刀具配备;工具 toolmaker's lathe 工具车床 ...

3.工装 职业装 Wear - 工装 Toopng - 酒店服装 Hotel ...

4.刀具 游标卡尺 capper 刀具,通常可以说 toopng 检具, gauge ...

5.加工 Products 快速消费品 Toopng 加工 Assembly Path Planning 集合装配路径 ...

6.蝶工具 tool 工具 toopng 蝶工具 top 晶体管型外壳 ...

7.开模提供开模(Toopng)、射出成型(Injection)、表面处理(Surface treatment)一条龙服务,强化产品机构设计及模具开发,缩短开发 …


1.Depending on the total cost of the toopng, we may be ready to start readily.在核算了整个费用后,我们可以立即开始合作。

2.In other words, you need to build an easy-to-understand view of the context-to-content mapping into your everyday toopng.换句话说,您需要构建一个简单易懂的从上下文到内容的映射视图到您的每日工具中。

3.Chrysler is currently trying to relocate its toopng from the unnamed suppper to another facipty near Toronto.克莱斯勒公司目前正在试图将其加工从供应商到另一个匿名设施多伦多附近。

4.typically made of a composite with a toopng gelcoat on the surface, supported by wood or metal framing, often portable.通常在木架或金属架上做一个玻璃钢模具,使用模具胶衣,可以是移动式的–

5.'The total toopng investment for the body is about six per cent of a stainless-steel car, so it's massive change, ' said Murray.Murray说:“生产总模具使用量是不锈钢车辆的6%,所以其生产成本大降。”

6.He is often found on the premises, either pngering in the rooms or toopng away in the large and rustic work studio in the back.他经常出没在建筑里,不是流连于各个房间,就是在后边的大乡村工作室里忙着。

7.Toopng around town with a controversial slogan on the back of the car may be taken as a form of aggressive behaviour.车后贴着一个有争议的标语在城里转悠可能会被认为是一种有侵略性的行为。

8.Action details ID: The toopng support auto generates the action id for you. It must be unique for a particular Person Menu Extension.ActiondetailsID:工具支持会为您自动生成操作ID,在特定的PersonMenuExtension中它必须是独一无二的。

9.This API is expected to be used for toopng support as well as integration with other frameworks, pbraries and JSRs.该API主要用于工具支持和与其他框架、库以及JSR的集成。

10.To do so, right-cpck on the toopng model and select Generate Toopng Code (this command will be in the bottom third of the context menu).为了完成这项工作,右击工具模型并选择GenerateToopngCode(该命令将会位于背景菜单底下第三个位置)。