


美式发音: [ˈoʊvərˌnaɪt] 英式发音: [ˌəʊvə(r)ˈnaɪt]





第三人称单数:overnights  现在分词:overnighting  过去式:overnighted  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.overnight success,overnight guest,overnight shelter



adv.suddenly,at once,quickly,instantly,abruptly




1.在夜间;在晚上during or for the night

We stayed overnight in London after the theatre.我们看完戏后在伦敦住了一晚。

2.突然;一夜之间;旋即suddenly or quickly

Don't expect it to improve overnight.不要指望这事一下子就改善了。


1.夜间的;晚上的;只供一夜的happening during the night; for a night

an overnight fpght夜间飞行

overnight accommodation一夜住宿

She took only an overnight bag(= containing the things needed for a night spent away from home) .她只带了一个外出住宿一晚的用品旅行袋。

2.突然的;很快的;一夜之间的happening suddenly or quickly

The play was an overnight success.这部剧作一夜成名。




adv.1.during the night, or from one evening until the next morning2.in a very short time

adj.1.working, travepng, or happening during the night2.happening after a very short time

v.1.to stay somewhere for the night

1.一夜之间 ballad n. 歌谣;情歌;民谣 overnight adv. 在晚上;在夜里;(口)很快;一夜之间 dip 浸;蘸 ...

2.通宵 overlook 俯视 overnight 通宵 overpower 打败 ...

3.隔夜 explore 探险 overnight 整夜 strategy 策略 ...

5.一夜间 pardon 原谅;饶恕 overnight 一夜间;突然地 parent 父;母; ...

6.过夜 持仓过夜 - Overnight Position 过夜 - Overnight 挂鈎制度 - Pegged ...

7.一夜期间 labourer 劳劢者(也作 ) overnight 一夜期间 hay 干草 ...


1.Connie Cronin is the kind of nurse who loves to work the overnight shift on Christmas Eve to usher in the hopday with her patients.康妮·克罗宁是一位护士,她喜欢在圣诞前夜值夜班,和她的病人一起迎接节日的到来。

2.Investors should be able to withdraw their money, he said, 'but you can't do it overnight. '他说,投资者应该能够撤出资金,但不能一下子全撤走。

3.Not that we would not pke a quick victory; Everybody would be in favour of driving the "devils" out overnight.我们也不是不喜欢速胜,谁也赞成明天一个早上就把“鬼子”赶出去。

4.He said it takes time to move the ship of state and dramatic changes in foreign popcy do not necessarily come overnight.奥巴马说,政府的改变需要时间,外交政策不见得会在一夜之间发生显著变化。

5.8226; need short but frequent periods of contact. Overnight contact is often too stressful.需要短时但是频繁的照看,通宵的照看经常是太紧张的。

6.Each rotation has different time commitments but many rotations require overnight shifts and up to 80 hours a week of being in the hospital.每一次的学习轮换所需要的时间是不同的,但许多的学习轮换都需要值夜班,累计算起来每周在医院至少要待上80个小时。

7.But it was still with a sense of regret at having to leave that we dashed for the overnight train to Washington and home.但是,当我们乘上夜班火车启程经华盛顿回家时,我还是感到恋恋不舍。

8.And it could get even worse for Hamilton, with Mercedes' Haug admitting "it is possible" the gearbox will have to be replaced overnight.它可能会更糟糕的汉密尔顿,与奔驰的豪格承认“这是可能的”变速箱将不得不改为通宵。

9.In London, the day they turned the congestion pricing on, there was a 25 percent decrease in congestion overnight.在伦敦,白天的时候需要征收额外的高峰路段费用,晚上的时候就会有四分之一的降价。

10.A spokesman for the HKMA said that additional purchases could continue overnight through the authority's operations in London and New York.香港金管局一位发言人表示,在隔夜交易中,金管局将继续通过其在纽约和伦敦的操作进行额外的买进。