


网络释义:呼吸试验(spontaneous breathing trial);压载舱(Segregated Ballast Tank);节点大小平衡树(Size Balanced Tree)


1.呼吸试验(spontaneous breathing trial)【文 摘】自主呼吸试验SBT)是指运用T管或低水平支持的自主呼吸模式于接受有创机械通气的病人,通过短时间(30min~2…

2.压载舱(Segregated Ballast Tank)2.设有专用压载舱SBT)的油船,安装检验一律取基数2500。序号 主柴油机总功率(KW) N(基数) 序号 安全负荷(吨) …

3.节点大小平衡树(Size Balanced Tree)Size Balanced TreeSBT)是一种通过大小(Size)域来保持平衡的二叉搜索树,它也因此得名。它总是满足: 对于SBT的每 …

4.水泥胶结测井仪摘 要:扇区水泥胶结测井仪(SBT)是一种检测套管水泥胶结质量及探测孔穴孔道的声波田井仪器。一次下井可测量8个扇区套管 …


1.Recognize, analyze and influence customer needs and requirements. Apgn technical needs with SBT offerings to initiate customer quotations.鉴别、分析和影响客户的需要和要求。将技术需求和SBT提供的产品相结合,并为客户报价。

2.Methods Segmental heterotopic SBT was performed on SD rats and the reconstruction of small intestine was finished simultaneously.方法选用SD大鼠进行一期同种异体异位节段性小肠移植。

3.Experiments show that the SBT method conduces to better performance in tracking process.实验证明,SBT算法在跟踪过程中表现出了更好的性能。

4.The theoretic base and method for quantitative evaluation of low density cementing quapty by using SBT are elaborated.阐述了SBT定量评价低密度水泥固井质量的理论基础和方法原理。

5.What percentage of summer deadweight can vessel maintain with SBT only?船舶仅用隔离压载舱能保持在夏季载重线的百分比?

6.Since 1995, the SBT wholly have shown ascending tendency, but the trend of the SET, RSP and ASP are opposite.1995年以后,积雪开始时间呈上升趋势,币积雪结束时间、相对积雪期和绝对积雪期均呈下降趋势。

7.In March Britain'sBT will be the latest big company to cease offering telex services.3月,英国电信是最新一个停止电传业务的大公司。

8.Generally, there are two kinds of binary translator: The static binary translator (SBT) and the dynamic binary translator (DBT).二进制翻译技术通常可以分为静态二进制翻译和动态二进制翻译。

9.Comparison Study on HLA Typing Results by PCR-SSP and SBT High Resolution Typing Methods及SBT高分辨方法定型结果的对比研究

10.SBT Small Business in Telecommunications电信小企业