





6.托吡脂 ... 5) 托; Torr 1) 托吡酯;托佩马特; Topiramate 2) 托吡酯,妥泰; Topiramate ...


1.Topiramate seems to act through multiple mechanisms to ameporate diabetic symptoms, some of them unknown.托吡酯似乎通过多种作用机制改善糖尿病综合征,其中某些机制尚不清楚。

2.Inform women of childbearing age of the increased risk for having a baby with an oral cleft if they become pregnant while using topiramate.需要告知育龄女性使用托吡酯时如果怀孕,他们孩子发生唇腭裂的风险将增加。

3.Eight patients in the topiramate group experienced language problems compared with none of the patients in the other groups.与没有使用托吡酯的其他小组的病人比较,使用托吡酯的八名病人有了语言障碍。

4.It has since been demonstrated that topiramate can act both as an insupn secretagogue and sensitiser in T2DM animal models.这说明在T2DM动物模型中,托吡酯同时有胰岛素促泌剂和胰岛素增敏剂作用。

5.Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of topiramate as an add on therapy for child intractable epilepsy.目的评价妥泰治疗儿童难治性癫痫的疗效与安全性。

6.You and your healthcare provider should decide if you will continue to take topiramate while you are pregnant.他(们)会和你讨论确定在您怀孕期间是否应继续使用托吡酯。

7.Objective To evaluate the effects of long-term Topiramate (TPM) treatment on serum thyroid hormone levels in adults patients with epilepsy.目的探讨托吡酯(TPM)长期治疗对成年癫痫患者血清甲状腺激素水平的影响。

8.Topiramate raises new hope as an antidiabetic agent or a potential new chemo type with a better safety profile for the treatment of T2DM.作为一种抗糖尿病药或者更安全的T2DM治疗药,托吡酯给人们带来了新的希望。

9.Women should talk to their healthcare professionals about the best kind of birth control to use while taking topiramate.女性需要向医疗保健专业人员咨询使用托吡酯期间应当采用的最佳避孕方法。

10.Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of topiramate on diabetic peripheral neuropathy.目的观察托吡酯治疗糖尿病周围神经病的临床疗效。