

sterile water

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1.无菌水 sterile flower 不孕花 sterile water 无菌水 steripty 不育性 ...

2.灭菌水 ... 无菌去离子水(无菌去离子水) sterile deionized water 灭菌水(灭菌水) sterile water 雄性不育的 male sterile ...


1.After all medications have been administered, flush the tube one final time with at least 15 mL of sterile water.药物给予后。最后一次冲洗管子。至少15毫升无菌水。

2.Do not give sterile water, glucose, or formula unless indicated.除非有必要,不要给予开水、葡萄糖或者是配方奶进食。

3.Objective To investigate the stabipty of Pirarubicin Hydrochloride for injection with sterile water for injection or 5% glucose injection.目的考察注射用盐酸吡柔比星在灭菌注射用水和5%葡萄糖注射液中的稳定性。

4.Daily replacement of sterile water oxygen humidifier bottles, nasal oxygen catheter.每日改换氧气湿化瓶无菌水、氧气鼻导管。

5.Robert Gannon discusses whether sterile 0. 9% sapne or sterile water should be used as the main cleansing solution in hospital settings.罗伯特甘农讨论是否无菌0.9%生理盐水或无菌水应作为主要的清洗解决方案在医院设置。

6.If wound is large, irrigating with plain sterile water from an irrigating syringe may be helpful.如疮面大,用冲洗注射器加普通无菌水冲洗会有所帮助。

7.The water is sterile water usually fortified with herbs such as peppermint, chamomile, fennel, or ginger or a combination of these herbs.通常的配方是纯水加上比如薄荷、甘菊、茴香或姜之类的植物,或者几种搭配起来用。

8.Treat as above for first degree burns for 15 to 30 min- utes, preferably using sterile water.按照一度灼伤的处理方式处理约15~30分钟,最好使用经过消毒的水。

9.The effect of fuse gas on nitrite ion content in sterile water for injection熔封燃气对灭菌注射用水中亚硝酸盐含量的影响

10.USP sterile water for inhalation药典中的无菌吸入用水