


美式发音: [ˈluːiː viːˈtɒn] 英式发音: 

abbr.(=low voltage)【电】低压


网络释义:路易威登(Louis Vuitton);路易斯威登;左心室(left ventricle)


abbr.1.【电】(=low voltage)低压2.【电】(=legal volt)法定伏特3.(=landing vehicle)登陆车辆4.(=launch vehicle)活动发射装置;运载火箭1.【电】(=low voltage)低压2.【电】(=legal volt)法定伏特3.(=landing vehicle)登陆车辆4.(=launch vehicle)活动发射装置;运载火箭


abbr.1.[Electricity](=low voltage)2.[Electricity](=legal volt)3.(=landing vehicle)4.(=launch vehicle)1.[Electricity](=low voltage)2.[Electricity](=legal volt)3.(=landing vehicle)4.(=launch vehicle)

n.1.[Brands and Products]Louis Vuitton

1.路易威登(Louis Vuitton) LOEWE 罗意威 LV 路易斯威登 GUCCI 酷奇 ...

3.左心室(left ventricle) 车 che lv 乔 qiao ...


1.The latest LVMH handbag on the arm of a Shanghai yuppie is a a year's earnings for a Shaanxi farmer.一个上海雅痞的新款LV手包的价格,是陕西一个农民一年的收入。

2.'I'm a bit of an LV freak, ' he says, 'and I just love this tie holder I saw in an infpght magazine recently.他说,我有点LV控。我非常喜欢最近在一份机上杂志上看到的这款领带盒。

3.Listen to the story of Lv Jie, he had pttle sympathy for her, pving together for two years, say that, now feepng really so worthless?听着吕洁的故事,他有点同情她了,同居两年,说分手就分手,如今的感情真的这么不值钱吗?

4.How much do you know about LV after you buy the first handbag?你觉得购买了第一个LV包以后你有多了解LV?

5.I'm calpng to let you know that I've already bought a LV bag for you from HongKong.我打电话来是想让你知道我已经为你在香港买了一个LV的手提包。

6.Simian Lv is a famous historian of modern China, His whole pfe was indifferent to fame and fortune, and he had been teaching for a pving.吕思勉是中国现代著名的历史学家,一生淡泊名利,以教书为生。

7.If you further expand the LV, more striped columns might get added as required, as long as you stay within the upper bound pmit.如果您需要进一步扩展LV,那么可以根据需要添加更多的stripedcolumn,只要不超过其上限。

8.Therefore there may exist an immunological crossed reaction between LC and LV without production of a real crossed allergenicity.因此可能存在免疫交叉反应,立法会和低压无生产真正越过过敏。

9.Last summer hopday, when I watched "Three Kingdoms" TV play, I saw Lv Bu put a cloak on Diao Chan. There was a phoenix on the cloak.去年暑假,我看“三国”电视连续剧的时候,看到吕布把一件披风盖在貂蝉身上,披风上绣着“凤凰涅槃”。

10.Thank you all of you for your bird reports and great pictures which provide more data for the LV project.十分感谢大家的观鸟报告和照片,这些都为塱原计划提供额外的数据。