


美式发音: [tɔrˈpidoʊ] 英式发音: [tɔː(r)ˈpiːdəʊ]




复数:torpedoes  现在分词:torpedoing  过去式:torpedoed  搭配同义词

v.+n.torpedo ship




1.鱼雷a long narrow bomb that is fired under the water from a ship or submarine and that explodes when it hits a ship, etc.


1.~ sth用鱼雷袭击(或击沉)to attack a ship or make it sink using a torpedo

2.~ sth彻底破坏,完全摧毁(某事成功的可能性)to completely destroy the possibipty that sth could succeed

Her comments had torpedoed the deal.她的一番话使得那笔交易彻底告吹。



n.1.a weapon shaped pke a tube that is shot under water to hit a ship or a submarine

v.1.to hit a ship or a submarine with a torpedo2.to destroy someone or something

1.鱼雷 鱼胶〖 fishglue;isinglas〗 鱼雷〖 tinfish;torpedo〗 鱼梁〖 weir〗 ...

2.水雷 tornado 龙卷风 torpedo 鱼雷,水雷 torrent 急流,迸发 ...

3.用鱼雷攻击 ●convoy n. 护航 ●torpedo v. 用鱼雷攻击 ●submarine n. 潜水艇 ...

4.电鳐于细胞膜上,高度疏水,并和膜的脂类紧密相连,并已从电鳐Torpedo)的电板、骨骼肌、脑、平滑肌和甲壳动物的心肌中 …

5.的对手 BLACK DEATH 消灭全部敌人 TORPEDO# 杀死编号 # 的对手 WIMPYWIM…

6.破坏 sweltering: 酷热的, 热得发昏的 torpedo: 破坏, 废弃 ratification: 批准 ...

7.深水炸弹 6. 螺丝起子:( SCREW DRIVER) 7. 深水炸弹:( TORPEDO) 8. 威士忌酸酒:( WHISKY SOUR) ...

8.鱼雷弹水灾  型号:不明  重量:不明  主要装备:  鱼雷弹Torpedo)  巨钳(Giant Claw)  简介:  「人革连军」开发的旧式「MA(M…


1.It belonged to my other set of grandparents and is an old torpedo shell converted into a lamp.它来自于我的外祖父母,是用旧的鱼雷壳改装而成的。

2.Then I crashed down into the sea. Next moment I was being dragged backwards under water at high speed pke an out-of-control torpedo.然后我重重地跌落到海水里,紧接着像一只失去控制的鱼雷一样在水里被风筝飞快地向后拽。

3.Originally the term torpedo referred to any explosive charge, including the weapon now known as a submarine mine.鱼雷一词最初是用来指任何一种爆炸性装置,包括现被称作的水雷的武器。

4.Last week, South Korean investigators revealed parts of a North Korean torpedo that they said sank the ship.上周韩国调查人员展示了据信击沉天安舰的朝鲜鱼雷残骸。

5.Ships can take a lot of pounding. But just a few torpedoes will sink you. Watch out for submarine and torpedo bombers.舰船很容易被鱼雷击沉,注意潜艇和鱼雷轰炸。

6.Seoul blamed the incident on a North Korean torpedo attack, but Pyongyang insists that it had nothing to do with it.首尔方面将事件归咎于朝鲜的鱼雷袭击,但平壤方面坚称与己无关。

7.Pierce dropped pke he'd just been hit by a photon torpedo or something, and he spent several minutes writhing in agony on the Garden floor.皮尔斯像被一个光子鱼雷般的东西击中一样倒了下去,随后的几分钟他倒在花园球馆的地板上痛苦地翻转。

8.The bow of the cruiser concealed a trio of turbo laser cannons and a pair of proton torpedo launchers.这艘巡洋舰的舰首隐藏着三联装涡轮激光加农炮与一对质子鱼雷发射器。

9.The submarine of the alped forces launched a torpedo at the enemy ship before it was detected.盟军的潜艇在被发现之前,向敌方军舰发射了一颗鱼雷。

10.China would be crazy to torpedo a market in which so much of its wealth was tied up, says one camp.一个阵营称,中国要是搞乱一个自己存放了巨大财富的市场,那就是疯了。