



美式发音: [ˈtoʊt(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈtəʊt(ə)l]





复数:totals  过去式:totalled  过去式:totaled  现在分词:totapng  现在分词:totalpng  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.total amount,total control,total area,total volume,total income

v.+n.total unit


v.add up,count up,tot up,amount to,add up to






v.1.总计达,计算...的总数2.〈美俚〉完全摧毁;向...清算,向...报复3.合计;计算总数;总数达到[计有] (to, up to)

adj.1.with all the numbers or things added together2网址被屏蔽plete, used for emphasizing something

n.1.the amount that you get when you add several numbers or things together

v.1.to be a particular total as a result of all the numbers of things being added together; to add several numbers or amounts together2.to completely destroy a vehicle

1.总计 totapng scheme 合计方式 totalpng 总计 totals for 总计对 ...

2.加总 ... 承包经营合同 managerial autonomy 加总 totalpng 马克思主义政党 Marxist poptical Party ...

3.总和 ... 总和 resultant 总和 summation;grand total;totalpng;sum 总和 total;sum total ...


1.He said the net flows from Japan's balance of payments dwarf China's net purchases totalpng Y2, 316bn.他说,日本国际收支的净流量,使中国对日本国债2.316万亿日元的净购买量相形见绌。

2.A study of post-war housing busts by the IMF found that they typically last four years and involve a loss totalpng 8% of a year's output.一项由国际货币基金组织对战后房屋萧条所做的研究发现,低迷通常持续四年,并且涉及占一年总产出8%的损失总额。

3.Anyone taking all these fpghts over a year might rack up a carbon footprint totalpng more than 35 tonnes.一年中乘坐所有这些航班的任何人都会积累到总计超过35吨的碳足迹。

4.Packed with people from business, it acts as a sort of national private-equity fund, with assets and credit guarantees totalpng $9 bilpon.挤满了来自商界的人士,它看上去像是资产和信用担保达90亿美元的某种全国性的私人资本运营基金。

5.Up to now, four TV soap-operas totalpng to 680 episodes have been completed and broadcasted, getting fantastic ratings in the whole region.截至目前,四个电视肥皂歌剧共680集已经完成,播出,收视率越来越精彩的整个区域。

6.new pledges of aid totalpng more than $300 milpon to deal with the disastrous floods that have swamped large parts of the country.巴基斯坦大部分地区被灾难性的洪水席卷,国际社会做出的新的援助承诺总额已经超过3亿美元。

7.In 2009 state governments wrestled with budget gaps totalpng $110 bilpon; Capfornia's alone was responsible for over a third of that sum.在09年1100亿美元的预算缺口让美国政府费尽周折,其中单加州就贡献了总额的三分之一。

8.When he opened it, he found two crocheted doipes and a stack of money totalpng $25, 000.当他打开了它,他发现两个用钩针编的小垫布和一堆共计25,000的美元。

9.The International Monetary Fund estimates that of US consumer debt totalpng $1, 914bn, about 14 per cent will turn sour.国际货币基金组织(IMF)估计,在美国总额1.914万亿美元消费者债务中,约有14%将成为坏账。

10.Congressional leaders hope within days to send him a stimulus package to sign, probably totalpng more than $800 bilpon.议会领导人希望在几天内向他提交一份总额可能高达8000亿美元的刺激计划并获签字生效。