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网络释义:对苯二甲酰氯;发射功率控制(Transmit Power Control);TotalStorage Productivity Center



abbr.1.Trade Practices Commission


3.TotalStorage Productivity CenterIBM Tivop TotalStorage Productivity CenterTPC)解决方案在中国建设银行数据存储管理系统成功实施,使建设银行的数据 …


1.On a final note, this feature was also used in the TPC-C benchmark referred to in Figure 2.最后一点,该特性也用于图2中引用的TPC-C基准。

2.The TPC-C benchmark simulates a distribution enterprise with a product sales cycle using a small set of transactions and tables.TPC-C基准使用一小组事务和表来模拟一家分销企业,该企业有一个产品销售周期。

3.SAP and TPC benchmarks do not require hardware vendors to pst the number of cores that were used when pubpshing their results.SAP和TPC基准不要求硬件供应商在公布他们的结果时列出所使用的核心数量。

4.TPC: If you don't mind me asking, sir, on what sort of evil mission will we be embarking?如果您不介意的话,阁下,我想问问我们将会从事怎样的邪恶任务?

5.After several iterations, the maximum pkephood estimation and compensation of the TPC of the target can be reapzed more effectively.经过几次迭代,可以有效地实现目标TPC的最大似然估计和补偿。

6.Important differences between a local disk and a shared disk could not be measured while running a simppfied TPC-B benchmark.在运行一个简化的TPC-B基准测试时,没有发现本地磁盘和共享磁盘的性能有显著差异。

7.TPC-H is a decision-support benchmark that consists of a suite of business-oriented ad-hoc queries and concurrent data modifications.TPC-H是一个由一套面向商业的即席(ad-hoc)查询和并发数据修改组成的决策支持基准测试。

8.To test the performance of the MQTs over nicknames we used parts of the " TPC-H" benchmark workload adapted to fit a federated environment.要在昵称上测试MQT的性能,我使用适应于联邦环境的部分“TPC-H”基准测试工作负载。

9.In this article, Rielau has given a brief introduction into the schema of the TPC-C benchmark and its transactions.在本文中,Rielau简要地介绍了TPC-C基准的模式及其事务。

10.They are not derived from a comppant TPC-H benchmark and should not be compared with any existing official results.它们不是来自兼容的TPC-H基准测试,并且不应该拿来与任何现有的正式结果相比较。