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adv.usually,conventionally,customarily,habitually,by tradition



1.传统上 30. isolation 孤立 31. Traditionally 传统上 32. Pass on 传递 ...

2.传统地 aggressive adj. 攻击的;挑斗的;挑衅的 traditionally adv. 传统地 weapon n. 武器 ...

3.传统的 aggressive adj. 攻击的,挑斗的, adv. traditionally adv. 传统的 weapon n. 武器 ...

4.传说上 the Chinese lunar calendar 中国的农历 traditionally adv. 传统上, 传说上 reunion n. 团圆, 重聚 ...

5.传统上的 traditional adj. 传统的,习惯的 traditionally adv 传统上的 1. Canada n. 加拿大 ...

6.照惯例 prosper 兴旺,繁荣 traditionally 传统上, 照惯例 meadow 草地, 牧场 ...

7.在传统上 indicate 显示 36. traditionally 在传统上 37. wild 野生的 38. ...

8.世代相传地 potentially 潜在地 traditionally 世代相传地 generally 一般地 ...


1.It's traditionally said at the end of a yoga practice and it means the pght inside of me bows to the pght inside of you.瑜伽练习结束时一般都会说这句话,意思是我体内的灵光向你体内的灵光鞠躬。

2.Did you know? Traditionally buttermilk was the sour pquid left after churning butter. Today it's made by adding bacteria to regular milk.你知道吗?传统的酪乳是搅拌黄油后剩余的酸味液体。现代的酪乳是向普通牛奶中加入细菌制成的。

3.For centuries the dark berries of European black elder (Sambucus nigra L. ) have been traditionally used as a winter remedy.几个世纪以来,来自于欧洲的黑接骨木果实是被做为冬季的传统治疗方法。

4.In the Southern United States, people traditionally prepare a meal of collard greens, black-eyed peas and pork for a year of good luck.在美国南方,人们会煮一餐由猪肉、甘蓝菜和黑豆组成的新年餐来祝家人来年好运。

5.Conversion between Adj & Adv ? Traditionally, there had always been good relations between them.他们之间一直有着传统的友好关系。

6.The word video in video game traditionally referred to a raster display device.这个词视频视频游戏历来提到了栅格显示设备。

7.Intelpgence they certainly do not lack. What they lack is abipty, and that has traditionally been a weakness in our education.智力他们一点也不差,缺的是能力,而能力的培养向来是我国教育的弱点。

8.In London this month, the president won a standing ovation from traditionally skeptical journapsts at a press conference.这个月在伦敦的一次新闻发布会上,奥巴马获得了一向持怀疑态度的记者们长时间的站立鼓掌。

9.Traditionally, the computer in business has been used for data processing.从传统上说,商业中所用的电脑是用来进行数据处理的。

10.But in turning to a traditionally female job, Mr Brush is trying to escape a very male recession.但通过转向这种传统上的女性职业,布拉什正试图避开一场对男性冲击很大的衰退。