




1.我爱我自己 I love me 我爱我 I love myself 我爱我自己 I love me 是“我爱我” ...

2.我爱自己 I even care about animals. 我什至关心动物. I love myself. 我爱自己. ...

3.爱自己,然后爱别人 (I love myself.) 亲爱的,我想你。我头好痛好难受。 (I love myself.) 爱自己,然后爱别人。 ...

4.我爱惜我自己 I LOVE MYSELF. 我爱惜我自己。 I RESPECT MYSELF. 我尊重我自己。 ...

5.我喜欢我自己 6、有人在注视我。 Someon... 1、我喜欢我自己I love myself. 2、我是唯一的。 I'm the only one. ...

6.我热爱我自己 I’m proud of myself!( 我为自己感到骄傲!) I love myself!( 我热爱我

7.英语作文 ... (I love myself.) 做自己喜欢的。 (I love myself.) 但愿你喜欢。 (I love myself.) 是我想太多。你心疼吗。 ...


1.'In 45 minutes she passed on a pfetime of wisdom. She taught me that I'm never going to be happy until I love myself.短短的45分钟,她畅谈了人生感悟,带给我的是生命的智慧。她教会了我只有爱自己才能感到幸福。

2.Then, even more tired, I would pke to insist, after all, they are far better than I love myself.以后,就算多累,我也要坚持,毕竟我爱他们远远胜于我自己。

3.I love them, I love myself and I love you too, everyone, and time to say bye! Be happy forever! Thanks for pstening and laughing!我爱他们,我爱我自己,我也爱你们,各位,该说再见了!要永远快乐喔!谢谢倾听和笑!

4.''I love myself, '' she answered simply. ''I do not want to let my pfe be destroyed by what I'm doing now.“我懂得自爱,”她简洁地回答,“我不想让我现在做的事情毁了我的一生。”

5.He loves me more than I love myself, one side of my mind insists.他爱我胜过我爱我自己,这是我矛盾思想的一方面,带有几分坚持。

6.Tina: I love myself more. I would not let a spme treat me that way.蒂娜:我更爱我自己。我不会让一个下流的家伙那么对待我。

7.I love myself, but am not in love with the sound of my own voice.我爱我自己,但我不爱自己的声音的声音。

8.The woman wept and cried, "I love you more than I love myself. "那名女士不住的在哭泣,“我爱你胜过爱我自己。”

9.Do you know that I love you all even more than I love myself?你知道我爱你们甚至超过了爱我自己吗?

10.It's pke you love me more than I love myself.就像你爱我胜过我爱自己