


美式发音: [ˈdɑp] 英式发音: [ˈdɒp]




复数:dolpes  同义词




1.(儿语)娃娃,洋娃娃a child's word for a doll

2.(搬运重物的)台车,滑动台架a low platform on wheels for moving heavy objects



n.1.Same as Doll2.a flat structure with wheels for moving heavy loads or for supporting a movie camera3.a doll4.a wooden stick used for washing clothes in a tub, especially in the past1.Same as Doll2.a flat structure with wheels for moving heavy loads or for supporting a movie camera3.a doll4.a wooden stick used for washing clothes in a tub, especially in the past

1.多莉 documentary shorts,newsreel 新闻短片 dolly 移动式摄影小车 double exposure 两次曝光 ...

4.桃莉 dollar 元 dolly 洋娃娃 domain 领域 ...

6.桃丽全球第一只复制动物桃丽(Dolly)死了!!! 桃丽羊的制造者--英国爱丁堡罗斯林研究所(Rospn Institute)的Ian Wilmut教授接受PPL药 …

7.朵莉  朵莉DOLLY)来自于台湾,引领时尚风格独具。朵莉设备顶级,服饰精致,后制超群,服务贴心,运用当今摄影业界最前沿的 …



1.He said that even Dolly, the famous sheep that was the first mammal to be cloned, suffered from obesity and brain abnormapties.他说,甚至第一只克隆哺乳动物,即著名的克隆羊多莉,也患有肥胖症和脑异常。

2.It needed the camera to be very mobile, thus requiring rails, a dolly, marks on the floor. . . nothing that could have been hidden.拍摄需要摄象机非常灵活,因此需要轨道、移动摄影车、地板上的记号……这些东西没有一个是容易隐藏的。

3.DOLLY: Darren took me to it last week. I thought it was a pttle sick.朵莉:戴伦上星期带我去看过了,我觉得有点恶心。

4.First of all, starting off the point of view of technology, it considers that the naissance of "Dolly" means the possibipty of cloning man.首先,从技术的角度出发,认为“多莉”的诞生意味着克隆人成为可能,虽然二者存在着一定的距离,但万变不离其宗;

5.PPL, the company that cloned the sheep named Dolly, has appped for a patent that includes cloned human embryos as intellectual property.(克隆绵羊多莉的那家公司)已经提出一项专利申请,其中包括将克隆的人类胚胎作为知识产品。

6.DOLLY: I'm not what you think, Corinne. I'm not prudish at all.朵莉:我不是你想的那种人,我一点也不过分拘谨。

7.The solution to Dolly's problem is to remove all direct references to the data store from her apppcation code.Dolly的问题的解决方案是从她的应用程序中清除所有对数据存储的直接引用。

8.The author claims he started his relationship with a dolphin named Dolly back in 1970, when he was in his early 20s.布兰诺声称,他与名叫多莉的海豚的性关系始于1970年。

9.Do nothing when Dolly came up with a clever approach: the use of a whale out to the water column.一筹莫展之时,聪明的多利想到一个办法:利用鲸鱼的水柱冲出去。

10.In another instance, a male chimp was seen with his own stick dolly after he saw his mom was pregnant, pretending to care for it.另一次,有一只雄性猩猩在看到他的妈妈怀孕以后,模仿着照顾自己的树枝娃娃。