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1.克里斯会毕业离开《欢乐合唱团》等问题。 克里斯Criss)除了观众见面会的采访,还另外接受了媒体私下的专访,并对自己的角 …

2.葛蕾 ChoijiYoon 崔智云 Criss 葛蕾 Gerrard 柯林 ...

3.克里斯安吉尔的魔术 ... Hiyo 研磨咖啡 Criss 魅影 AMO 性感 ...

5.葛雷斯 ChoijiYoon 崔智云 Criss 葛雷斯 Gerrard 杰拉德 ...

6.晓风沫源 ... 米粒、下午茶、 SOSO、 白开水、晓风沫源Criss、 梦、靖雨、 SOSO、 ...


1.I walk around the Peak, around the flowers are numerous, full of branches, flowers and criss-crossing, as if the fence rows.我漫步向山顶走去,身边的花儿们密密麻麻,开满枝头,花枝纵横交错,好像一排排栅栏。

2.The small houses were in the nearest part of the city. Square rooms opened on to a grid of narrow passages, criss-crossing to make streets.矮小的房舍座落在离城市最近的一部份。方正的房间通往有如格子状的狭小的通道,交织成密密的街道。

3.Martine Aubry, the party's boss, has criss -crossed France on the campaign trail, but it is local candidates who seem to count more.尽管该党一把手玛蒂娜·奥布里为竞选活动奔波于全国各地,但似乎还是地方候选人更有分量。

4.It is spread all over, criss-crossing Harbor, excellent ecological environment has been identified as one of the attractions Lake.它以群岛星罗棋布、港湾纵横交错、生态环境绝佳而被确定为千岛湖的一级景点。

5.In this wrought-iron world of criss-cross cause and effect, could it be that the hidden throb I stole from them did not affect their future?在这个因果交错的锻铁世界里,我偷取来她们悄悄的悸动能等毫不影响她们的未来吗?

6.The criss-cross banks were what was left of the walls of huge buildings which might once have been giants' palaces and temples.那些纵横交错的堤岸原来是那些庞大的建筑留下的残垣断壁,这里可能一度是巨人的宫殿和庙宇吧。

7.Ancient beams criss cross lane ways, and pving rooms lay exposed, walls appearing as though they have been peeled back.帐篷间原是居民的房屋,这时古老大梁交错重叠,大厅外露,墙壁剥落。

8.Munich is also a stop on the network of high-speed trains that are beginning to criss-cross Europe and Germany.此外,慕尼黑也是德国乃至欧洲纵横交错高速列车网络的枢纽站。

9.In one hand unable to see, the channel and criss-cross of large cave lost their way.在一个伸手不见五指、通道又纵横交错的大山洞中迷了路。

10.Standing on top of another attack, a wide smooth asphalt of the road criss-cross along the roadside trees, row upon row of Square Park.站在顶层放眼望去,一条条宽阔平坦的柏油马路纵横交错,路旁绿树成荫,广场公园鳞次栉比。