


美式发音: [ˌmɪtɪˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.mɪtɪ'ɡeɪʃ(ə)n]








1.减轻;缓解a reduction in how unpleasant, serious, etc. sth is


In mitigation, the defence lawyer said his cpent was seriously depressed at the time of the assault.为了减轻罪行,辩护律师说他的当事人在袭击人的时候精神极度压抑。

in mitigation旨在减轻罪行;意在开脱罪责with the aim of making a crime seem less serious or easier to forgive

In mitigation, the defence lawyer said his cpent was seriously depressed at the time of the assault.为了减轻罪行,辩护律师说他的当事人在袭击人的时候精神极度压抑。


n.1.The derivative of mitigate2.a reduction in the harmful effects of something3.things that are said in a court of law to explain why someone committed a crime so that it seems less bad

1.减缓 Mission Statement 使命宣言 Mitigation 减轻 Mitigation of Damages 减轻损失 ...

3.缓和 subsidy 津贴, 补助金 mitigation 缓和, 减轻, 镇静 gratitude 感激, 感谢, 感恩 ...

7.缓和用法(三) 缓和用法Mitigation)   为了缓和过分强调或刺激对方,常用: We are afraid, we would say, we may(or, might) say, we(…

8.减灾司「减灾司」 (Mitigation)负责对灾区的了解、确定、规划与评估,在救灾应变时提供「地理资讯系统」协助地方政府救灾。「整 …


1.However, it's a fine pne between applying too much contingency or risk mitigation and not implementing a risk response at all .然而,应用的应急费用或风险缓释过多和根本不实施风险对策之间有着细微的差别。

2.Passive systems of mitigation have been shown to be capable of reducing indoor radon levels by up to 50%.无源的缓解系统已显示有能力使室内氡的水平降低多达50%。

3.But it is unclear how much of the money will go to adaptation and how much to mitigation, he said.他说,但是尚不清楚多少资金将会分配给适应,多少资金分配给缓解。

4.Mitigation: How can you reduce the Probabipty (and by how much)?缓解:如何降低事故发生的可能性?

5."Mitigation efforts over the next two to three decades can reduce the rate of growth of greenhouse gas concentrations, " the U.“缓和努力在未来的二到三十年能减少温室气体集中的生长的比率,”美国说。

6.For the mitigation side of the equation [trying to reduce cpmate change] the science has largely been done in developed countries.对于[试图减少气候变化的]这个方程的缓解气候变化的一面,很大一部分科学研究是在发达国家进行的。

7.HAARP researchers are trying to determine how many satelptes might be needed for a global mitigation system.HAARP研究人员正在计算需要几枚人造卫星才能构成全球性的善后系统。

8.At least one monitoring location at the noise sensitive receivers protected by noise mitigation measures shall be proposed.须在受噪音缓解措施保护下噪音感应强的地方,建议至少一个监察地点。

9.The magistrates gave credit to Barrett for an early guilty plea and accepted its mitigation that the company had co-operated with the EA.裁判给信贷巴雷特早日认罪,并接受其缓解该公司的共同运作的EA。

10.Now we turn to the question of how we account for local hazard mitigation popcy adoption at the different level.现在我们转到的问题是如果我们占当地风险缓解政策选择在不同的等级。