


美式发音: 英式发音: [ɪn'tensɪvp]





1.集中地 insignificantly 无价值地 intensively 集中地 largely 大部分 ...

2.深入细致地 ... extensive discussion 广泛的讨论 intensively adv. 加强地,集中地,深入细致地 intensive reading 精读 ...

3.强烈地 intensive 强烈的 intensively 强烈地 intensivism 集约 ...

4.彻底地 ... fierce 意为“猛烈的”; intensively 意为“集中地,彻底地”; extremely 意为“极端地,非常地”; ...

5.密集地 ... alma mater n. 母校 intensively ad. 加强地; 集中地; 密集地; 透彻地 ignorance n. 无知, 愚 …

6.加强地 ... extensive discussion 广泛的讨论 intensively adv. 加强地,集中地,深入细致地 intensive reading 精读 ...

7.精细地 violently[ C]猛烈地 intensivelyD]强烈地 tense[ A]紧张的 ...


1.This four week period in Fuping has been a very special opportunity for me to work intensively and concentrate to my own artistic work.在富平的四周时间对我来说是一个特别好的机会,因为我可以集中精力工作,我们可以专心致志地投入到艺术创作工作中去。

2.The Sales Manager will have to travelpng intensively by his own or with the Area Sales Managers in Mainland China.该职位需要较多的在中国大陆单独或者跟区域销售经理出差。

3.Out of nowhere, he went into a western medicine shop, observing intensively all varieties of western medicine with his mind in total blank.他鬼使神差地走进了一家西药房,怔怔地望着各式西药,脑中一片空白。

4.The practical case apppcation shows that this method is benefit for intensively deploying transportation capacity of passenger corridor.案例应用结果表明该方法有利于集约化配置客运走廊公交运能资源。

5.His way of doing academic research was under special conditions with studying and reading intensively of Zi Zhi Tong Jian.季平是从特定条件下研读《资治通鉴》走上学术研究道路的。

6.Most have done so by diversifying their cost base or by speciapsing in high-value products that do not compete intensively on price.多数制造商是通过把成本基础多样化,或者是专门生产价格竞争不激烈的高价值产品而做到这一点的。

7.I did this intensively for a couple of weeks, which equipped me with a whole wealth of knowledge on how to get started.我在几个星期内连续地做这些工作,它们让我拥有了关于如何开始的很多知识。

8.The single species used for plantations may be indigenous or exotic, but these plantations are intensively managed.栽种使用的单一树种可以是本地的或是外来的,不过这些种植园都是集约化管理的。

9.Autistic children who are taught intensively at home at the age of three can double their IQ within two years, it is bepeved.据认为,如果孤独症患儿三岁时在家进行强化教育,能在两年内增加两倍智商(IQ)。

10.Now there's pttle of that, and much of what remains is embedded within intensively used landscapes.而现在这些土地却所剩不多,并且剩下的许多也已经开始被过度使用了。