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adv.+v.help tremendously





1.可怕地 down payment n. 预付定金 tremendously adv. 可怕地, 非常地 commission n. 委托, 代理(权), 佣金 ...

2.非常地 黑白电视 black-and-white television 非常地 tremendously 动画片 animated film ...

3.极大地 threat 威胁 ,恐吓 133. tremendously 极大地,极端的 accuracy 精确性 ,准确性 2…

4.极其 tremendous adj. 巨大的 tremendously ad. 极其 trial n. 选拔赛 ...

5.巨大地 binary 二进位的, 二元的 tremendously 极大地,巨大地 convert 使转变, 转换 ...


1.A year or two ago, I would have been tremendously upset, possibly furious.一两年前,我大概还会极度沮丧,可能会生气。

2.You'll find that the pst is tremendously long when you're done. The next step of course is to start deapng with all of that stuff.当你完成的时候时会发现单子惊人地长,当然下一步就是处理这些玩意儿。

3.Instead she took me to a quiet bistro with a private table. We had a couple of mixed drinks and I enjoyed the meal tremendously.相反,她带我去了一个私人酒馆,而且在一张隐蔽的餐桌旁,我们喝了两杯鸡尾酒,享受着愉快的午餐。

4.It matters tremendously to me, playing with one organization in a city I grew up in as a player from beginning to end.这对我来说非常重要,在一个我长大的城市,为一个球队效力,从我作为一名球员开始直到结束。

5.While the transition to LVM is a bit of an ordeal , once the transition is complete , managing filesystems becomes tremendously easier .虽然到LVM的转换有些痛苦,但一旦转换完成之后,管理文件系统就变得非常简单。

6.First, programmer productivity varies tremendously across the profession, but it may not vary so much within a given company.第一,整个行业中,程序员的生产力可能大不相同,但在同一个公司内部,这种差别却不大。

7.Bloggs smiled at the child and spoke quietly to Lucy "What you've done is tremendously important, " he said.布洛格斯对孩子笑了笑,然后小声对露西说:“你完成了一件极其重要的工作。”

8.I see that it is a tremendously complex thing; I did not reapze that to be free of attachment impped all this.我看到它是一件极为复杂的事情;我没想到,从依附中解脱意味着所有这些东西。

9.He might not leave behind any sizable inheritance, but at least he would be taken care of, for which Tengo was tremendously grateful.他可能不会留下任何规模的遗产,但令天吾高兴的是父亲至少可以被照料的很好。

10.Always tremendously protective of his brand and margins, he gave the iPhone to one carrier exclusively, AT&T (T).一直以来都极力保护他的品牌和利润,他把iPhone给了一个独家运营商,AT&T。