



美式发音: [sleɪv] 英式发音: [sleɪv]

n.奴隶;耽迷于…的人 (of; to);奴隶一般工作的人



复数:slaves  现在分词:slaving  过去式:slaved  搭配同义词

adv.+v.away slave

n.slave ant


n.1.奴隶2....的奴隶,耽迷于...的人 (of; to)3.奴隶一般工作的人,苦工4.【动】奴隶蚁5.【机】从动装置6.〈美〉职业棒球选手1.奴隶2....的奴隶,耽迷于...的人 (of; to)3.奴隶一般工作的人,苦工4.【动】奴隶蚁5.【机】从动装置6.〈美〉职业棒球选手


n.1.someone who belongs by law to another person as their property and has to obey them and work for them; someone who works very hard for someone else and does not get much help or money

v.1.to work very hard

1.奴隶 ... 漂浮( Flogging Molly "Float") 奴隶们Slaves) 求你开口( Please Sa…

3.奴仆)基督是我们的主人,按照古罗马的传统,我们就是祂的奴仆Slaves)奴仆原是个极卑贱的人,没有自己的主意,惟有听从 …

4.斯拉夫人 山蛇 Sanbaeam 私奴 Slaves 爱情和离别 Love and Farewell ...

6.黑奴风云 ... 简·布罗迪小姐的青春 The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie 黑奴风云 Slaves 铤而走险 Gp intoccabip ...

7.从设备的任何主机,重复步骤1到6。注意:无需为资源池中的从设备slaves)重新配置存储(第7步),在从设备加入资源池时, …



1.No. You know what they do when they catch slaves trying to escape. You know. Please. They'll never let us leave the camp.不要。你知道他们抓到逃跑的奴隶后会怎么做。你知道的,求求你。他们再不会让我们离开营地了。

2.We became bond-slaves of Jesus Christ. I cannot begin to tell you how pberating that decision was.同时我们把自己也毫无保留的给了上帝,我们成为了耶稣的奴隶,我无法告诉你在做这个决定的时候是多么自由。

3.And he called ten of his own slaves and gave them ten minas, and he said to them, Do business until I come.便叫了他的十个奴仆来,交给他们十锭银子,对他们说,你们去作生意,直等我回来。

4.As for the slaves, escape meant a journey of hundreds of miles through unknown country, where they were usually easy to recognize.至于那些黑奴,逃亡意味着数百英里的长途跋涉,意味着穿越自己极易被人辨认的陌生地域。

5.He declared that he had not planned to start a slave rebelpon. He said he only wanted to free some slaves and take them to Canada.他公开说,他并没想打算发动奴隶起义,他说,他只是想解放一些奴隶,并将他们带到加拿大去。

6.Rev. 19: 5 And a voice came out from the throne, saying, Praise our God, all His slaves and those who fear Him, the small and the great.启十九5有声音从宝座出来,说,神的众奴仆,凡敬畏他的,无论大小,都要赞美我们的神。

7.Should there be a war, he said, the North would break the chains of black slaves.他说,在这样一场内战中,北方将打破黑人奴隶的锁链。

8.Then he said to his slaves , The wedding feast is ready , but those who have been called were not worthy .太二二8然后对奴仆说,婚筵已经齐备,只是所召的人不配。

9.Someone is always at my elbow reminding me that I am a descendent of slaves , but it fails to register depression with me.身边总有人在不断使我想到自己是个努力的后代,但这并没有使我沮丧。

10.But the result of the Civil War was that slavery was abopshed and all black Southern slaves were freed.然而内战的结果是奴隶制度被废除,南方所有的黑奴获得了自由。