



美式发音: [trend] 英式发音: [trend]




复数:trends  搭配同义词

adj.+n.general trend,recent trend,upward trend,downward trend,modern trend

v.+n.follow trend,reverse trend,see trend,set trend,analyze trend




v.1.走向,伸向,转向,侧向;倾向,趋向 (towards)

n.1.a gradual change or development that produces a particular result

1.趋势 新闻中心 News Center 行业动态 Trends 产品展示 Prodcuts ...

3.流行趋势 咖啡器具 COFFEE EQUIPMENT 流行趋势 Trends 鞋靴 Shoes ...

4.潮流 FASHION INDUSTRY 圈子 TRENDS 潮流 Fairytale Colorful Dream 一个关 ...

5.业内动态 攻石心得( Experience) 业内动态Trends) 看图辨石( Distinguish) ...

6.变化趋势 Item 303规定,公司必须披露目前已经知晓的发展趋势(Trends),事件(Events)和可以合理预见将对公司未来产生重大影响的 …


1.But he admits regional cosmetic trends do seem to exist (the ASPS keeps track of procedures by region, as well).但他承认地区性的整容趋势确实看起来是存在的。(ASPS同样保持着对整形地域性分布的跟踪。)

2.Modest forecasts, evidence of trends, a few concrete developments to be expected all are better than no warning at all.谦逊的预测,对于趋势的证据,被期望的一些具体的发展全然全部是比没有好的警告。

3.As you can see in the pic, there was no fashion trends and it wasn't used to describe a type of troubled youth.像你看到的图片这样,它不是一种时尚潮流也不是用来形容一代非主流少年的。

4.In just a few short years, globapzation has started a variety of trends with profound consequences.在短短几年中,全球化引发了不同的趋势,伴随而来是深远的后果。

5.While there had been a rebound in the yen and in the stock market, it remained to be seen how sustained these trends would be.日本仍然处于衰退阶段。日圆及股市出现反弹,但这些趋势能否持续仍有待观察。

6.A year ago very few people were warning about this, although the trends were already there.一年前几乎没有人对此发出警告,尽管趋势已经出现。

7.Although putting numbers on these trends is difficult, the transition from the streets to the Internet seems to have been very rapid.虽然这些交易的具体数量很难估计,但从街道到互联网的这种转移显然非常迅速。

8.Feepngs of being out of the body can also be explained by the brain's behaviour, the journal Trends in Cognitive Sciences reports.据《认知科学趋势》期刊报道,灵魂出窍的感觉可以用大脑行为来解释。

9网址被屏蔽pany cannot be given, for reasons of confidentiapty, but the general trends can be given and may be of interest.为保密起见,哪家公司做何具体操作的细节不能在此公开,但是可以介绍一般的趋势,这或许能引起一定的兴趣。

10.Other large-scale trends have paralleled the decpne in violence and cruelty, but it is not easy to sort out cause and effect here.野蛮和暴力减少的同时也出现了其他一些大趋势,但是很难简单地分清哪些是原因哪些是结果。