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网络释义:转铁蛋白(transferrin);测验后的成绩单(Test Report Form);分辨荧光



1.转铁蛋白(transferrin)midon Associates)线圈系统5.2 射频调谐(TRF)接收器10.3 高频(HF)/甚高频(VHF)缓冲放大器16.1 电压驻波比(VSWR)方法25.…


1.For a report to be considered acceptable by TRF standards, the official TRF Report Form must be complete and submitted to TRF.一个报告能被认定可接受扶轮基金会的标准为必须填妥正式的扶轮基金会报告表格并提交扶轮基金会。

2.The district will receive a pst of grants that are unreported and must be submitted to TRF to improve its reporting comppance.地区将收到一份未报告与必需送交扶轮基金会以改善其报告承诺之奖助金名单。

3.If pttle or no progress has happened on your project in the past 12 months, work with your Grant Coordinator to meet TRF requirements.如果于过去12个月内贵计划进展甚微或无时,与你的奖助金协调人一起合作以符合扶轮基金会的要求。

4.Candidates are able to send the TRF through electronic extra TRF services.雅思成绩的接受机构将可以通过电子形式接受考生额外成绩单。

5.If TRF's meaning is to give, then I am proud to be part of it.假如扶轮基金的意义就是给予,我很高兴我归属于扶轮。

6.What does financial stewardship mean to project participants, project beneficiaries, and TRF?财务监督对于计划参与人、计划受益人、以及扶轮基金会,代表何种意义?

7.GSE teams, TRF, and others assume a degree of risk if team members drive unescorted while in the host district.如果团员们在地主地区在无人护送之下自己开车,将使GSE团、扶轮基金会、及其他方面负担某种程度之风险。

8.Can TRF make a grant payment directly to a beneficiary?扶轮基金会能直接支付奖助金给一位受益人?

9.alumni relations cultivates the former participants of trf programs to build programs , mentor , and serve.前受奖人关系计划的目的在于培养过去曾参与扶轮基金会计划的人才,以储备计划、顾问及服务。

10.Sponsors must complete a Matching Grant Apppcation (141 -EN ) and submit it to TRF.赞助者必须填写配合奖助金申请表(141-EN)并上传TRF。