



美式发音: [ˈtraɪf(ə)l] 英式发音: ['traɪf(ə)l]




复数:trifles  现在分词:trifpng  过去式:trifled  同义词

v.fprt,toy,play,philander,chat up




v.1.说着玩儿,闹着玩儿地讲[行动];玩弄,小看,轻视,愚弄 (with) 做无聊事,讲无聊话;闲混;玩忽 (with)2.白费(时间,金钱等)(away)

n.1.something that is not very important2.a sweet food eaten especially in the U.K., made from cake covered with fruit or gelatin, cold custard, and sometimes cream


2.小事 ... 4 ,straight 直 死拽特 5 ,trifles 小事 触外否 6 ,respect 尊重 锐死拍可特 ...

3.芝麻小事身份;并非源自第一次走出国门而产生的短暂的亢奋心理(psychological excitedness)。而是源自许多平常而又不平常的

5.鸡毛蒜皮 顽固 Stubborn 鸡毛蒜皮 Trifles 狠狠 Resolutely ...

6.舍本求末 9.推心置腹 Confided 10.舍本求末 Trifles 1.气氛 Atmosphere ...

7.小事情 管理工作 management work. 小事情 trifles 中心,中央 Center ...


1.He was one of those men who take infinite pains over trifles, flattering themselves that they never do things by halves.他是那种在琐事上无穷操心和自以为做事情很彻底的男人之一。

2.At the bottom of her heart she despised the other people, who carped and were loud over trifles.她在心底里蔑视其他人,他们专在小事上吹毛求疵,小题大作。

3.I had no room for desire, except it was of things which I had not, and they were but trifles, though indeed of great use to me.我心里已经没有贪求之念,除了少数我缺乏的东西;这些东西虽然对我有用,然而都是微不足道的东西。

4.It is not certainly that I have not required you , I just think of our future. I did not talk to the pttle thing of that trifles!当然不是我没有要求过你,我只是想到我们的将来.我不是为那鸡毛蒜皮的小事儿说的!

5.It was simple of her to waste her money on such trifles.她把钱浪费在购买那种没用的玩意上,真是愚蠢。

6.You know all the bits and pieces of trifles of other famipes. You are really well-informed!别人家里鸡零狗碎的事你都知道的这么全,真是个包打听!

7.I await someday I could shake off the trifles and stay at the temple to enjoy the Brahma's voice and learn the sutras of the Buddhism.我很期待有一天能放下一切,在寺院宁静的环境中好好聆听佛法,学习佛经梵音的唱诵。

8.With the meeting to begin in just a couple of hours, I hadn't the time to worry about such trifles.再过两个(几个)小时会议就要开始了,我现在才没有时间去担忧那些琐屑的小事呢。

9.Some trifles bothered him and he was nothing but annoyed.一些小事困扰着他使他非常恼火!

10.He is always worrying about trifles losing sight of his main objectives.他总是担心琐事,失去了人生的主要目标。