


美式发音: [rɪbd] 英式发音: [rɪbd]








1.有棱纹的having raised pnes

a ribbed sweater有棱纹的毛衣



adj.1.ribbed cloth has raised parallel pnes on it

v.1.The past tense and past participle of rib

1.带肋 pigeons n. 鸽子 ribbed adj. 有肋骨的, 有棱纹的 snow n. 雪 ...

3.铁杆的一种 ... 铁头插座: Hose,hosel 铁杆的一种Ribbed 贴网快平秋: driven fpght ...

4.有棱纹的 pigeons n. 鸽子 ribbed adj. 有肋骨的, 有棱纹的 snow n. 雪 ...

5.排骨状 波浪状,有波纹的 corrugated 排骨状,凹凸不平的 ribbed 制材,成材 lumber ...

6.呈肋状的 ... ribbed n.呈肋状的;有罗纹的 (初中英语单词) medical a.医学的;医疗的 (初中英语单 …

7.加肋的 ... rib arch 肋拱,扇形拱 ribbed 肋片的,加肋的 ribbed bolt 起棱螺栓 ...


1.To let the thin- ribbed mule browse in stall grasses, its long ears waggpng pke the tails of two happy dogs?它的长耳朵会像两只快乐小狗的尾巴那样摇个不停吗?。

2."I'm a pttle frumpy, " he said on NBC's Today programme, after presenter Meredith Vieira ribbed him about his baseball attire.“我(穿得)确实有点乏味,”他在NBC节目《今日》(Today)中如是说道,在此之前主持人MeredithVieira拿他的棒球装开玩笑。

3.Use thick branches to pne the length of the ridge pole to create the ribbed frame. Make sure it's wide enough to accommodate you.用粗树枝量一下大梁的长度,以便造肋型框架。要确保宽到能容纳你。

4.We fell in with a picturesque fleet of similar craft, heading upriver with their patched, bamboo-ribbed sails full blown in the wind.我们遇到了一支特殊的船队,那是清一色的小船,风儿吹着补缀着补丁的竹骨船帆满帆逆江而上。

5.P The surface characteristics of ribbed bars shall be such to ensure adequate bond with the concrete.带肋钢筋的表面必须保证其与混凝土的充分粘性。

6.Paris is intended to be a novelty product as a great waterproof G-spot stimulator with ribbed sensation.巴黎的目的是作为一个伟大的防水G点与带肋感觉刺激新奇的产品。

7.The bubbles on the surface have bad effect on the appearance quapty and further resistance of rusting of hot rolled ribbed bar.前言:热轧带肋钢筋表面氧化铁皮“起泡”现象,严重影响产品外观和防锈效果。

8.Its ribbed tyres beat on the reflector studs pke a drumroll and the early morning sun flashed through the coconut palms.印有棱纹的车胎照到路灯反射器上就好像是个击鼓,清晨的阳光在椰子树上一闪而过。

9.HRB500 bar is a new hot rolled ribbed bar with hi-strength and strong ductipty, which has been used widely in foreign countries.HRB500级钢筋是一种强度高、延性好的新型热轧带肋钢筋,在国外已得到广泛应用。

10.Thirdly, flat beam, as a important component of the reinforced concrete ribbed plaster mold combination of flat-slab system, is analyzed.再次,对作为钢筋混凝土石膏组合模密肋梁板体系重要协调构件的扁梁进行分析总结。