


美式发音: [ˈwɔrɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈwɔːrɪŋ]








1.战争的;交战的;敌对的involved in a war

A ceasefire has been agreed by the country's three warring factions.这个国家的交战三方已达成停火协议。


adj.1.arguing or fighting with each other

1.敌对的 warren 养兔场 warring 敌对的 warrior 战士 ...

2.交战的 warfare 战争, 作战, 冲突, 竞争 warring 敌对的, 交战的 warring 敌对的,势不两立的 ...

3.势不两立的 warring 敌对的, 交战的 warring 敌对的,势不两立的 n. 战斗的, 尚武的 ...

4.战争 ... thinner1. 进行稀释的人[物] warring1. 战争;战斗,打仗 scud1. 飞奔,猛冲 ...

5.发动战争 发声器官 vocal organs 发动战争 warring 发音体振动显像仪 kaleidophone ...

6.作战 ... run= 运转;进行 warring= 作战 reset= 重新设定 ...

7.冲突 ... run → 执行。 warring冲突。 reset → 重置;重设。 ...


1.The united nations could send peacekeepers into the country. At least then the warring parties could be forced to negotiate.美国派驻了维和部队到这些国家.至少能让战斗的双方被迫停下来和谈。

2.Dai area is originally Dai-Rong ethic group region. It had been under Zhao state's rule during the Warring States Period.代地原本是代戎活动的区域,战国时期一直处于赵国的治下。

3.In Warring States Period, silk was used for writing and painting, and silk industry was pke the symbol of Chinese civipzation.战国时代,蚕丝用于书写和绘画,丝绸业如中华文明的一件特殊外衣的象征。

4.In Chinese history, first proposed the "tyrants" and "King" as a way of governing the country at the time of the Warring States Mencius.在中国历史上,首先提出以“霸”与“王”作为治国之道的是战国时的孟子。

5.The idea was that a large group of influential people would go together and plead with the warring governments to give up the war.他的打算是一大帮有影响的人物将会和他们一起恳请交战各国政府放弃战争。

6.It, and many of your clerics, have been used to continue the warring on Earth, in the name of God.它,以及你们的许多神职人员,是被利用来继续地球上的战争,以上帝之名。

7.We are meant to understand the difference of a warring commander in the body of a fat pttle Frenchman.我们在这里(即指这篇文章)应该了解在这个矮胖的法国人身体中的那个交战司令的不同之处。

8.In a world warring for increasingly sparse talent, a strong employer image is also not to be underestimated.在这个上演稀缺人才争夺战的世界,一个强大的雇主形象是至关重要。

9.We will need to understand just how we got to this place, this land of warring factions and tribal hatreds.我们必须了解是如何走到了现在这步田地,充满了敌对的内讧和种族仇恨。

10.Warring's friend, an Austrapan in his 40s who pves in San Francisco, did derive a few laughs out of it.Warring的朋友,一名生活在旧金山的40岁的澳大利亚人见了这款玩具不由得笑出了声。