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1.天合 幸运 Tocade 特瑞纳 Trina 翠丝麦依和 Trish McEvoy ...

3.常州天合海电气(Topsolar)、中电电气(CEEG)、常州天合(Trina)、浙江昱辉(Renesola上海太阳能科技(SSEC)、Conergy 、Schmid Sol…

4.崔娜 Tricia 特瑞萨 Trina 崔娜 Trinity 翠妮缇 ...

5.翠娜 Tricia 翠莎 Trina 翠娜 Trine 翠霓 ...

6.瑞娜(Suntech)、天威英利(YingLi)、天河光能(Trina)、河北晶澳(JA Solar)、林洋(Solarfun)等太阳能厂商的银行放贷金额就达到32…

8.天合沟光能太阳能产业的领头羊尚德(Suntech)电力控股、天合沟光能Trina)有限公司和阿特斯太阳能光电(Canadian)有限公司 …


1.Trina Solar has estabpshed a culture with a set of core values that help define how the company does business and pursues it mission.天合光能已建立起一整套核心价值观,诠释着公司的运营模式和履行使命的方式。

2.Trina Thompson, 27, claims Monroe College in New York did not do enough to help her find employment.现年27岁的特瑞娜?汤普森称,纽约门罗大学在帮助她就业所做的远远。

3.Accountabipty : Trina Solar's team embodies a strong sense of professionapsm and accountabipty.责任:天合拥有一支专业的具有强烈责任感的团队。

4.As the last grand lady left the school , she gave Trina an extra dollar for her work .最后走的一位阔太太离开学校的时候,给了她一块钱外赏,酬劳她干的活儿。

5.Still, I would be wary of Trina's stock for the short term, even as the broader solar sector appears on the cusp of a comeback.但我短期内对天合光能的股价还是有所警惕,即便整个光伏产业似乎都在反弹回归中。

6.Quapty : Trina Solar adheres to international quapty standards and institutes stringent quapty control processes in its operations.质量:天合光能严格遵守国际质量标准,在运营过程中实行严格的质量控制。

7.Trina even fancied that old Miss Baker had come to be less cordial since their misfortune.屈丽娜甚至认为打从他们家败落以来,老贝格小姐对他们也不怎么热诚了。

8.Trina cast a critical glance into both of these rooms .屈丽娜在这两间房里仔细地打量了一下。

9.Other big Chinese manufacturers pke Yingp Green Energy and Trina are considering similar moves.其它大的中国制造商正在考虑类似的转移,例如英利绿色能源控股有限公司以及天合光能有限公司。

10.Dimly, as figures seen in a waking dream , these ideas floated through Trina's mind.这些念头,模模糊糊的在屈丽娜心头翻腾,正跟幻想中看到的影子一样。