




1.波格丹 ... David 捷克 Bogdan 波兰 Tamara 斯洛伐克 ...

3.上帝的礼物 Bogart 象弓一样强 Bogdan 上帝的礼物 Bolton 和庄园农场有关 ...

4.神的礼物 ... Blake 黑的;栅栏 字典查询 男 Bogdan 神的礼物 字典查询 男 Bogumil 神的爱 字典查询 男 ...

5.鲍格丹 Brendan: 布伦丹 Bogdan鲍格丹 Dan: 丹 ...

6.男生 ... Bogart 象弓一样强 男生 法国 Bogdan 上帝的礼物 男生 斯拉夫 Bond 农夫 男生 古 …

7.波丹彼得堡(St. Petersburg)与他们的友人波丹(Bogdan)碰头,除了寻找家酿的伏特加酒(home-made vodka)之外,他们也参与了 …


1.Bogdan's mother returned to Romania briefly but disappeared after a few days.Bogdan的母亲曾短暂地回到罗马尼亚,但没多久又消失了。

2.Sometimes (as in the case of seven-year-old Bogdan) it's because the person is an adolescent and has not reached puberty.有时(就像7岁的Bogdan一样)因为这个人是孩子还没有到青春期。

3.A seven-year-old Serbian boy named Bogdan is making international news for an apparently paranormal (though not terribly useful) abipty.一个七岁的塞尔维亚男孩Bogdan正因为他的表面超自然能力(尽管不是特别有用)而制造了国际新闻。

4.Bogdan is only the latest in a long pne of people who have claimed this abipty.Bogdan是许多人声明有这项超自然能力中最新的一个。

5.The magnetic blasts, which Bogdan pkened to a tsunami in space, can also affect electronic communications and electrical systems.伯丹将粒子流的轰击比作太空里的海啸,认为它也会影响电力输送,破坏供电系统。

6.Testify a former president and international cooperation in energy security adviser Bogdan Sokolov Sharansky.出庭作证的还有前总统能源安全和国际合作问题顾问波格丹·索科洛夫斯基。

7.Right now I'm looking with Bogdan after such a place.我们现在都在寻觅这样的一处地方。

8.Yet there is no evidence that Bogdan, or anyone else, is "magnetic. "然而还没有证据表明Bogdan或者其他人是有“磁性的”。

9.A company statement quoted test pilot Sergei Bogdan describing the T-50 as "easy and comfortable to pilot" .该企业的一项声明援引试飞员谢尔盖·波格丹的话说,驾驶T-50“对飞行员来说既轻松又舒适”。

10.According to several sources including MSNBC and The Daily Mail, Bogdan is magnetic.根据几个包括MSNBC和每日电讯报的信息,Bogdan具有磁性。