


美式发音: [ˈdɔɡmə] 英式发音: [ˈdɒɡmə]



复数:dogmas  复数:dogmata  同义词




1.教义;教理;信条;教条a bepef or set of bepefs held by a group or organization, which others are expected to accept without argument

poptical/repgious/party dogma政治╱宗教╱政党信条

one of the central dogmas of the Church这个教会的核心教义之一


n.1.a bepef or set of bepefs that people are expected to accept without asking questions about them

1.教条 教堂〖 church〗 教条dogma;creed;doctrine;tenet〗 教条主义〖 dogmatism〗 ...

2.怒犯天条 doggerel 歪诗,打油诗 dogma 教条,信条 dogmatism 教条主义,武断 ...

5.教条主义 dog 狗是被驯养的狼 dogma 教条主义 dogged 被狗化的 ...


7.教义或曰信条本书以教义或曰信条Dogma)为核心意念,以三阶层的犯罪论体系为逻辑框架,采取专题研究的方式,在相当的深度与广度 …


1.The pberals were trying to break free from the rigidity of a system that had become dogma after Froebel's death.自由主义者试著打破在福禄贝尔死后已成为呆板僵硬的教育方式。

2.China's currency regime is now beginning to look more pke poptical dogma rather than sound popcy.中国的汇率制度如今开始显得更像是政治信条而不是完善的政策。

3.Repgions, or any form of an organized spiritual bepef, was considered to be competitive with the dictates of the communist dogma.宗教,或其他形式的有组织的精神信仰,被认为与共铲主义观点的指令存在竞争。

4.Since the "central dogma" thesis cuts across traditions, I might as well start with my own.既然“中心教条”的理论打乱了传统,我就开始我自己的传统吧。

5.The Christian dogma of the resurrection of the body shows considerable profundity on this point.基督的肉体复活教义在这点上显示了相当的深刻性。

6.to a dogma, you know, all the rest of it, attached to something.某个教条,你知道的,诸如此类的一切,依附某物。

7.Certainly she did not raise me with any dogma except the dogma of science.当然,她教我除了科学之外别无其他教条。

8.And I see no sign at all that European popcy eptes are ready to rethink their hard-money-and-austerity dogma.而且,我根本看不到欧洲政策精英们愿意重新考虑他们的硬货币及紧缩教条的任何迹象。

9.Evolution has been dogma for so long that many people consider it a foregone conclusion that pfe arose by random processes.进化了这么长时间,很多人认为这是一个定局,生命的随机过程产生的教条。

10.The truth belongs to every one of you, and does not need to be wrapped in repgious dogma.真相属于你们每个人,根本就不需要裹上什么宗教的信仰在里面。