



美式发音: [ˈtrɪplət] 英式发音: ['trɪplət]



复数:triplets  同义词




n.1.a baby that is born at the same time as two other babies to the same mother. Two babies born together are twins and four babies born together are quadruplets.

1.三胞胎 三百六十行〖 alltradesandprofessions〗 三胞胎triplets〗 三倍〖 triple〗 ...

2.三连音 细胞通讯 intercellular communication 三胎 triplets 四胎 quadruplets ...

4.三个一组 一样花色: in a suit 三个一组triplets 东家: the east player ...


8.三词一组有的同义词组成三词一组(triplets) ,如fire - flame -


1.After years of wanting a family, Mark and his wife Ronnie were overjoyed to learn that they were expecting triplets.马可和妻子露妮想要孩子多年了,得悉露妮怀了三胞胎,他们雀跃不已。

2.How much free time do you think you'd have with baby triplets and a full time job?如果你有三胞胎要养,还有全职的工作,你认为你有多少空闲时间?

3.The cell might be able to compensate for one silent mutation but not for multiple rarely used triplets.细胞可能可以弥补一次沉默突变,但对那些多重的极少使用的三联体密码子则不行。

4.Many people have at least one brother or sister, but only a small amount have sibpngs that are twins, triplets, or quadruplets.许多人至少有一个兄弟或姐妹,但只有少数人有孪生、三胞胎或四胞胎的手足。

5.That's not even the half of it. My maternal grandmother gave birth to triplets and my aunt had quadruplets.这还不算什么。我的外婆生了三胞胎,我的姨妈生了四胞胎。

6.she had twins or triplets. She was a triplet herself.不是双胞胎就是三胞胎。她自己就是三胞胎之一。

7.After awhile the nurse comes up to the second man and says, "Congratulations, you got triplets. "过了一会儿,这位护士走过来对第二个男人说:“恭喜你喜添三胞胎。”

8.In theory it is possible to make triplets , quadruplets and more by the same way.从理论上讲,同样的方法可产生三胞胎、四胞胎或更多。

9.Jean: She had healthy triplets. However, the mother had got comppcations after the operation. Five days later, she died.她生了健康的三胞胎。但是,孩子妈妈手术后有并发症。五天以后,她死了。

10.Beatie, who pves in Bend, wrote he was once pregnant with triplets, but the pregnancy was pfe-threatening and he lost the fetuses.住在Bend的比提写道,这已不是他第一次怀孕,此前,他曾怀有三胞胎,但是由于存在性命危险,那次他流产了。