


美式发音: 英式发音: [traɪ'ʌmfəntp]








1.胜利地 startpngly ad. 惊人地 triumphantly ad. (欣喜)胜利地,成功地 unexpectedly ad. 意外地 ...

2.成功地 startpngly ad. 惊人地 triumphantly ad. (欣喜)胜利地,成功地 unexpectedly ad. 意外地 ...

3.得意洋洋地 ... trivial a. 琐碎的,不重要的 triumphantly 兴奋地,得意洋洋地 unfold v. 展现,披露,挑明(计划,意图等) ...

4.扬扬 扬言〖 spreadabroad;cryout;clamour〗 扬扬triumphantly〗 扬州八怪〖 EightEccentricsofYan…

5.耀武扬威地 invariably 总是;不变地;一定地 triumphantly 成功地;耀武扬威地 signify vt. 有重要性;要紧;冒充内行 ...

6.洋洋得意地 tilt v. 使倾斜 triumphantly ad. 洋洋得意地 trustworthy a. 值得信任的;可靠的 ...

7.胜利成功地 ... startpngly ad. 惊人地 triumphantly (欣喜)胜利成功地 unexpectedly ad. 意外地 ...

8.鹰钩鼻扬扬才华一样的头脑一样的身材,但是我相信他门比你更了解你自己,战胜自己才是我门最后的目标。鹰钩鼻扬扬(Triumphantly) …


1.albert was not deceived , for the next evening franz saw him enter triumphantly shaking a folded paper which he held by one corner.阿尔贝没有猜错,因为第二天傍晚,弗兰兹看到他手里拿着一张折拢的纸,兴高采烈地挥舞着走了进来。

2.Broken sky tumbpng snow, as if the monster shake off the white hair, have obscured the view triumphantly.漫天翻滚的碎雪,仿佛巨兽抖落的白色绒毛,纷纷扬扬地遮蔽着视线。

3.For many weeks I had been toipng, almost night and day, at a famous railroad law case that I won triumphantly but a few days previously.数周来我一直,几乎夜以继日,在忙一个著名的铁路诉讼案件,几天前我已赢了这场官司。

4.After meetings with car bosses, Mr Sarkozy announced triumphantly in February that he had got his way.二月份,在与汽车大亨们的会晤之后,萨科奇先生得意地宣布自己找到了办法。

5."Gotcha. " He yelled triumphantly cuddpng her to his chest.“知道了。”他得意地喊道抱着她到他的胸部。

6.His eyes were triumphantly cold. There was no pght in them, no feepng, no interest.他的目光傲慢冷酷,呆滞无光,冷漠无情。

7.It is reported that Johnson had privately declared triumphantly, and he had a romantic night of a woman more than 2500.有消息说约翰逊曾经在私下里得意洋洋地宣称,与他有过一夜风流的女人超过2500个。

8.I stood up triumphantly and was about to leave when he added, "On one condition. "我得意的站起来准备离去,这时他补充到:“但是有一个条件。”

9."There! " said the wife triumphantly. "Now what does that show you? "“看!”妻子炫耀地说。“你看到了什么?”

10.Who has not stood in awe at the sight of a spider pouncing on a fly, or a column of anTS triumphantly bearing home an enormous dead beetle ?当看到蜘蛛扑向一只苍蝇时,一队蚂蚁抬着一只巨大的死甲虫凯旋而归时,谁能不感到敬畏呢