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n.1.a government official who carries out investigations into commercial cartels and works to break them up

1.垄断的破坏者些诚实的大企业也应该得到公平的交易。”他因此得名“垄断的破坏者”(trustbuster),严厉禁止大企业操纵市场,对富人收财产 …

2.解散托拉斯的人 ... tapster 酒吧的酒保 trustbuster 解散托拉斯的人 duster 打扫工 ...



1.But she did attempt to pmit the damage to the newly warming relations between trustbusters on both sides of the Atlantic.不过考虑到美欧双方竞争监管当局的关系刚刚和暖,她也确实努力地调和自己的言论以减少对此关系的破坏。

2.Meanwhile, the expected meeting of minds between America's newly invigorated trustbusters and Europe's also seems to have been put on hold.与此同时,刚刚受到鼓舞的美国反垄断官员们与欧洲同行的预期会晤似乎也已经被搁置了。

3.Too big to fail banks must be broken up, just pke the Trustbusters did in the early 20th Century.就像二十世纪初反垄断者所做的那样,回天无力的银行一定要让它关门。

4.TRUSTBUSTERS on either side of the Atlantic had seemed in permanent disagreement in 2009, at least when it came to technology firms.位于大西洋两岸的反垄断官员在2009年似乎处于永久不变的不一致中,至少在处理科技公司问题方面。

5.The schemes looked pke a response to a competitive threat from AMD. Yet the EU's trustbusters cannot feel too sure of themselves.该方案看似针对AMD的竞争威胁,然而欧盟反托拉斯检察官们自己也不确定。

6.Trustbusters should be wary of compelpng firms to hand over their business secrets in the name of competition.反垄断者应该慎重地以公平竞争的名义强制公司共享其商业机密。

7.Trustbusters are nevertheless suspicious of a credit-card business model, where one side covers all of the running costs.反垄断人员仍然对信用卡的商业模式感到怀疑,此模式让一边承担了所有的运行成本。

8.The trustbusters appear to be stretching the usual definition of their role into areas of financial stabipty.反垄断者们似乎在把对其角色的一般定义延伸至金融稳定的范畴。

9.FOR a brief period many hoped that trustbusters in Europe and America would start playing in tune.曾几何时多少人都期待欧洲和美国的反垄断者们会开始步调一致。

10.The focus on market definition has nevertheless made it harder for trustbusters to stand in the way of some mergers.然而对于市场界定的关注却使得反托拉斯者们更难阻碍合并了。