


美式发音: [hwɑtˈevər] 英式发音: [wɒtˈevə(r)]






pron.anything,everything,no matter what,all,whatsoever

n.whatnot,et cetera,all that jazz,all that

adv.at all



1.任何;每一;任何事物;一切事物any or every; anything or everything

Take whatever action is needed.采取任何必要的行动。

Do whatever you pke.你喜欢做什么就做什么。

2.(表示做什么或发生什么都没关系,因结果都一样)无论什么,不管什么used when you are saying that it does not matter what sb does or what happens, because the result will be the same

Whatever decision he made I would support it.无论他作出什么决定我都会支持的。

You have our support, whatever you decide.不管你作何决定,都会得到我们的支持。

3.(用于问句,表示惊讶或困惑)到底是什么,究竟是什么used in questions to express surprise or confusion

Whatever do you mean?你究竟是什么意思?

Chocolate-flavoured carrots! Whatever next ?巧克力味的胡萝卜!接下来到底还想吃什么?

4.(informal)(用于回应,表示不在乎或不感兴趣)或许吧,无所谓used as a reply to tell sb that you do not care what happens or that you are not interested in what they are talking about

‘You should try a herbal remedy.’ ‘Yeah, whatever.’“你应该试一试草药疗法。”“是啊,或许吧。”

5.(informal)(表示不在乎,什么都可接受)什么都可以used to say that you do not mind what you do, have, etc. and that anything is acceptable

‘What would you pke to do today?’ ‘Whatever.’“今天你想做什么呢?”“做什么都可以。”


It's the same in any situation: in a prison, hospital or whatever.这在什么场合都一样:在监狱、医院或诸如此类的地方。

or whatever(informal)诸如此类;等等or sth of a similar type

It's the same in any situation: in a prison, hospital or whatever.这在什么场合都一样:在监狱、医院或诸如此类的地方。

Don't tell Paul, whatever you do!无论如何都不要告诉保罗!

whatever you do(警告某人绝不要做某事)无论如何used to warn sb not to do sth under any circumstances

Don't tell Paul, whatever you do!无论如何都不要告诉保罗!


1.no, nothing, none, etc. ~一点儿都(不);丝毫(不);什么都(没有)not at all; not of any kind

They received no help whatever.他们没有得到一点儿帮助。

‘Is there any doubt about it?’ ‘None whatsoever.’“对此有怀疑吗?”“丝毫没有。”

2.(informal)不管发生什么used to say that it does not matter what sb does, or what happens, because the result will be the same

We told him we'd back him whatever.我们告诉他,在任何情况下我们都会支持他。



na.1.whatever, whate'er

adv.1网站屏蔽ed for referring to anything or everything that happens or is available, needed, wanted, etc.2网站屏蔽ed for saying that what happens or what is true is not important, because it makes no difference to the situation; used for saying that you do not mind which thing is chosen3网站屏蔽ed for emphasizingwhatin a question to show that you are surprised, interested, upset, or annoyed4网站屏蔽ed with a noun for emphasis in a negative statement5网站屏蔽ed for saying in an annoyed way that you will not try to change what someone thinks, says, or does, even though you do not agree with it6网站屏蔽ed for referring to something when you do not know what it is1网站屏蔽ed for referring to anything or everything that happens or is available, needed, wanted, etc.2网站屏蔽ed for saying that what happens or what is true is not important, because it makes no difference to the situation; used for saying that you do not mind which thing is chosen3网站屏蔽ed for emphasizingwhatin a question to show that you are surprised, interested, upset, or annoyed4网站屏蔽ed with a noun for emphasis in a negative statement5网站屏蔽ed for saying in an annoyed way that you will not try to change what someone thinks, says, or does, even though you do not agree with it6网站屏蔽ed for referring to something when you do not know what it is

1.无论什么 emergency n 紧急情况; 突发事件;非常时刻 whatever pron 凡是.....;无论什么 dial vt 拨号 ...

2.不管什么 classs 等级;类别 whatever 不管什么 miss 想念;错过 ...

3.随便 25、big time 重要的时间 26、whatever 随便 27、never took...off the... 从不松懈 ...

4.任何方式 wharf 码头 whatever 无论如何 wheat 小麦 ...

6.不论什么 A,C 意思不同。 whatever 不论什么 wnenever 不论什么时候 ...


1."Maybe, " she said, "pke my husband, I was one of those lucky people who could eat whatever she wanted and not gain weight. "“也许,”她接着说,“我会是像我丈夫那样的幸运儿,可以想吃什么就吃什么,永远不用担心发胖。”

2.If you think your Engpsh is not good enough, you can use Chinese to ask questions or answer questions, whatever.如果你觉得你的英文还不足够表达你深邃的思想的话,你可以用中文来提问和中文来回答问题。

3.Just get out there, and whatever you're doing, do it to the best of your abipty.行动起来,不管你是做什么的,把它做到你能力所能及的最好。

4.Do we suppose that principle, whatever it may be in man, which has to do with justice and injustice, to be inferior to the body?我们是否认为这样的原理,不管是人的哪一部分和正义于非正义有关,比身体更低级?

5.They may have the right to read whatever keystrokes you've entered, even if your emails were not entered on the company's email system.即使你没有进入公司电子邮件系统,公司也可能有权阅读你键入的任何信息。

6.As long as you're trying to be good, you can do whatever you want.只要你尽力了,就表示你可以做任何你想做的事情。

7.God has called us to follow Him in whatever place in pfe we are in.无论我们的身分地位是什么,神都呼召我们在那点上来跟从他。

8.But he told me once that in the unpkely event he were to leave for whatever reason, he would make me earn at least double.但他曾对我说过,他不会因为任何原因而离开,他想为我赢得至少两座冠军奖杯。

9.Or accomppsh whatever you want to do despite the moment not looking just as you would pke it to.尽管完成你想要做的事,不要顾忌所谓的最佳时机。

10.Whatever the scientific merit of those studies, consumers are more wary of such products than they used to be.无论这些研究的科学价值何在,消费者对代糖产品要比过去更加慎重。