




1.李维特 ... 巴纳德( Barnard) 李慰特Leavitt) 霍桑( Mayo) ...

5.学者李维特 Lawrence 劳仑斯 Leavitt 莱维脱 Leblanc,Nicolas 路布兰 , 尼古拉 ...

7.学者莱维特组织行为学 (1)组织变革四变量模式 ? 美国学者莱维特Leavitt)认为,组 美国学者莱维特(Leavitt)认为, 织是个多变量 …

8.利维特利维特(Leavitt) 的变革模式则将变革的重点放在企业的“机构”、“技术”、“人力”和“任务”四个环节之上, 并关注这四个不同变量之 …


1.Leavitt said the United States will share the results of these findings with communities worldwide.莱维特说,美国将向世界各地区介绍这些行动的效果。

2.Leavitt also said the new FDA offices will help increase inspections and help the host country improve its own food and drug safety.也说新的食品药物管理局机构将帮助增加检查和帮助东道国提高自身的食品和药物安全。

3.as a pioneer of collaborative environmental management , leavitt helped clean up the air over the grand canyon.作为协作性环境管理的先行者,在他帮助下,大峡谷的空气得到净化。

4.Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt said he had met privately with governors, and would keep talking.健康与人类服务部门秘书MikeLeavitt指出他已经私下和洲长门接触并将继续讨论。

5.Mr. Bush Wednesday appointed Michael Leavitt, the head of the U. S. Health and Human Services Department, to lead the high-level group.布什星期三任命美国卫生和公众服务部部长莱维特出任这个高级别工作组的负责人。

6.On the issue of the tainted heparin , Leavitt said both U. S. and Chinese scientists agree that the questionable samples were contaminated .关于肝素污染问题,莱维特说,美国和中国科学家一致认为,有问题的样本受到了污染。

7.Leavitt said as the days pass after a disaster, local epidemics become increasing problems.莱维特表示,在自然灾害发生后的若干天,地区性疫情的问题会越来越多。

8.Michael Leavitt, health and human services secretary, went to China in late November to open FDA offices in Shanghai and Beijing.美国卫生与公众服务部长迈克尔-莱维特(MichaelLeavitt)于11月末访华,在上海和北京开设了FDA办事处。

9.Leavitt also emphasized the importance of local planning for a potential pandemic.莱维特还强调地方部门对可能出现的流行病进行预防规划的重要性。

10.Leavitt also expressed regret at the sudden death of WHO Director-General Dr. Lee Jong-wook.莱维特对世界卫生组织总干事李钟郁博士(Dr.LeeJong-wook)于5月22日突然去世表示哀悼。