




1.打网球 Played soccer 踢足球; 打网球; 踢足球; played tennis 打网球; studied 学 参观(看望); ); ...


1.I've never played tennis before, but I'll give it a shot to see if I'm good.我从没打过网球,但我要试试,看看我行不行。

2.Eg: If it had not rained yesterday we could have played tennis.如果昨天没有下雨的话我们就可以打网球了。

3.I played tennis in high school, but when my coach wanted me to run a couple of laps around the track, I almost passed out.中学时我会打网球,当教练让我沿球场跑几圈时,我几乎晕了过去。

4.If it had not rained so hard yesterday, we could have played tennis.如果昨天没有下大雨,我们就能玩网球了。

5.Last week, I played tennis at my club in London.上周,我在伦敦的俱乐部里打网球。

6.Last Saturday afternoon, he played tennis for an hour at the club and got into a car.上个星期六的下午,他在俱乐部里玩了一个小时的网球后来上车了。

7.For a few years, I played tennis during the summers. I stopped it.曾经有几年夏天,早上起来打网球,现在停掉了,代替的是去划船。

8.I once played tennis with her one week, and month to hold a competition.我和她一周打一次网球,并且一个月举办一次比赛。

9.But this was a Chinese kid who played tennis because he wanted to play, not because the state required him to do so.但这个中国孩子打网球是出于自己的兴趣,而不是因为国家要他这样做。

10.If it hadn't rained so hard yesterday, we could have played tennis.如果昨天没下那么大的雨,我们就去打网球了。