


美式发音: 英式发音: 





n.1.in Malay-speaking countries, a respectful form of address for a man

1.陈抟 馒头 mantou 先生 tuan / bapak 韭菜 kucai ...

3.在Q团 洗面奶,尽在Q团tuan.qq网址被屏蔽 买洗面奶,来拍拍… www.paipai网址被屏蔽 ...

4.团结 5 兔子 tu4 zi5 6 团结 tuan2 jie2 6 团体 tuan2 ti3 ...

5.音团 (tuan音团)——宋初道士,字图南,号扶遥子。著有《无极图》、《先天图》等。其学说后被推衍为宋代理学的重要组 …

6.端 “三”/ san/, “”/ tuan/ (“国”/ kuk/ ...

7.短 烧 siau1 tuan2 胆 tam2 ...

8.今日团购 初刻/ /chuke.vancl网址被屏蔽/ 今日团购/ /tuan.vancl网址被屏蔽/ 男人/ /men.vancl网址被屏蔽/ ...


1.Yet, at the moment, some people are trying to be Yi He Tuan people and Red Guards again.不过,最近有人试图当义和团、红卫兵,国内当不了,就在国外当。

2."Separation is pkely to make Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan more sexually attracted to each other, " said the official.这位官员说:“分开一段时间能使团团和圆圆对对方更有性吸引力。”

3.Send it to all want to be inside the Office of the popular men who sing again Xinle Tuan "death to forbearance. "送给所有想成为办公室里边受欢迎的男人的人,唱一遍信乐团的《死了都要忍》。

4.Nu Wa legend in the rock Lian Sky, Tuan home- made, to leave the world a good image.传说女娲在此炼石补天、抟土造人,给世人留下了美好的形象。

5.By next February, Yuan Yuan is expected to ovulate again, but Tuan Tuan would only be five and a half and pkely still too immature.在明年2月之前,预计“圆圆”还会再排一次卵,不过届时“团团”只有5岁半,很可能发育仍不成熟。

6.The exhibition garnered great media attention and was attended by several senior citizens including famous poet A Nam Tran Tuan Khai.包括著名诗人ANamTranTuanKhai在内的很多重要人士参与了该展览会并引起了一些重要媒体的高度重视。

7.As a transitional Taoist scholar in late Tang and early Song period, Chen Tuan has rich and characteristic aesthetic thought.作为唐宋之交承上启下的学者道士,陈抟的美学思想是丰富而有特色的。

8.Zhongqiu also known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as Tuan Yuanjie, our nation's second largest festival, is well-known, knows.中秋节又名仲秋节,也叫团圆节,是我们中华民族的第二大节日,可谓家喻户晓,妇孺皆知。

9.For the shouchu plans, early planning, early arrangement in bing tuan, actively carry out the work.针对这一收储预案,兵团早筹划、早安排,积极做好应对工作。

10.Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan may symbopze a growing friendship between Taiwan and China, but the gift is not without controversy.团团和圆圆象征着台湾和大陆之间友谊地不断加深,但这份礼物并非没有争议。