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1.The author makes the wars and poptical situation as the thread, trying to give a comprehensive discussion about the transportation in Tubo.笔者以战争和政治形势为主线,对吐蕃交通试作一全面的论述。

2.Tibet Tibetan Princess Wen Cheng when a major event in the social civipzation and progress of the Tubo had a tremendous impact.文成公主入藏时西藏地方的一件大事,对吐蕃的社会文明进步产生了巨大的影响。

3.The Tubo people were the ancestors of the Tibetan people. They appeared on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau at a very early period.吐蕃人是藏族的祖先,很早就生活在青藏高原一带,过着农耕和游牧的生活。

4.Central Plains early medical and calendar introduced to the Tubo, Princess Wen Cheng Tibet is to expand the scale of this exchange.中原的医学和历算早就传入吐蕃,文成公主入藏更是扩大了这一交流的规模。

5.The weapon comes into being and improves as the development of social productivity, so does that of Tubo.兵器是伴随着社会生产力的提高而逐渐产生和发展起来的,吐蕃军队的兵器亦是如此。

6.Tubo cultural repcs, especially gold and silver articles and silk textiles, have been dispersed abroad by various routes.吐蕃文物曾通过不同途径流散于海外,主要包括金银器与织锦。

7.Through discussing the four parts, the author aims to give a more comprehensive knowledge about Tubo "s transportation. "通过这四个方面的分析,旨在对吐蕃的交通情况作出比较全面的认识。

8.Married to Princess Wen Cheng from the Tibetan, the Tang and Tubo envoys between the continuous hours trade frequently.从文成公主嫁往吐蕃起,唐朝和吐蕃之间使臣不断,贸易往来时分频繁。

9.Sun Yat-sen's ideas can help set up the Tibetan Tubo KMT, and ultimately help the Tibetans achieve the dream of independence.孙中山的理念可以帮助藏人成立吐蕃国民党,最终帮助藏人实现独立建国的梦想。

10.Tubo Dynasty was a local regime which rose on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau in the 7 century AD.吐蕃王朝是公元七世纪初在我国青藏高原上崛起的一个地方政权。