



美式发音: [tʌk] 英式发音: [tʌk]


v.喝;(收)藏起 (in into away);在(袖等上)打横褶


复数:tucks  现在分词:tucking  过去式:tucked  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.tuck shirt





n.1.(袖子等上的)缝褶,横褶,横裥;折起[折进]部分2.(伸到大网中取鱼用的)网兜儿3.【航】船尾突出部下方4.〈英俚〉食品,糕点,酒席5.折叠式姿势6.〈古〉一种细长的剑7.tuxedo 的缩略词8.〈英〉鼓声;〈古〉喇叭声9.活力,精力1.(袖子等上的)缝褶,横褶,横裥;折起[折进]部分2.(伸到大网中取鱼用的)网兜儿3.【航】船尾突出部下方4.〈英俚〉食品,糕点,酒席5.折叠式姿势6.〈古〉一种细长的剑7.tuxedo 的缩略词8.〈英〉鼓声;〈古〉喇叭声9.活力,精力

v.1.〈英俚〉吃,喝,拼命吃 (in away)2.把...挤进[塞进],(收)藏起 (in into away)3.在(袖等上)打横褶,打裥;翻折,卷[折]起(袖子等) (up)4.包起,裹起,卷紧5.用网兜儿从大网中把(鱼)捞出6.〈俚〉勒死 (up)7.打横褶;缩拢8.〈俚〉狼吞虎咽地吃,拼命吃 (in away)1.〈英俚〉吃,喝,拼命吃 (in away)2.把...挤进[塞进],(收)藏起 (in into away)3.在(袖等上)打横褶,打裥;翻折,卷[折]起(袖子等) (up)4.包起,裹起,卷紧5.用网兜儿从大网中把(鱼)捞出6.〈俚〉勒死 (up)7.打横褶;缩拢8.〈俚〉狼吞虎咽地吃,拼命吃 (in away)

n.1.a fold in clothing that you sew for decoration or to make the clothing tighter2.a medical operation to make your skin tighter and make you look younger or thinner3.candy

v.1.to put something in a particular place, especially in order to keep it safe or hidden; to put an arm, leg, or other part of your body into a position where it is not sticking out or sticking up2.to make a fold in a piece of clothing and sew it, either for decoration or to make the clothing tighter; if a part of someones body is tucked, they have plastic surgery to make their skin tighter and make them look younger or thinner

1.船尾突出部下方 ... 船尾突出部下方 tuck 船尾突出部下方 tucked 船尾突出部下方 tucks ...

2.缩拢 ... adopts vt. 采用 tucked 缩拢 anaesthetic n. 麻醉剂 ...

3.塞进 jerky 不平稳 tucked 塞进 euphoria 愉快 ...

4.打裥 cluster tucks 簇状活褶 tucked 打裥 tuck side 打裥边 ...

5.鼓声 tucked n. 缝摺, 活力, 鼓声, 船尾突出部下方, 食物(尤指点心、蛋糕) SAL=Service Ation Log 维修记录 ...

6.活力 tucked n. 缝摺, 活力, 鼓声, 船尾突出部下方, 食物(尤指点心、蛋糕) SAL=Service Ation Log 维修记录 ...

7.塞入 wary 小心 tucked 塞入 harness 背板 ...


1.He was tired, however, and throwing off his clothes, tucked himself in his mediocre bed, and was soon fast asleep.他究竟是疲倦了,就脱下他的衣服,钻进这粗俗的床里,立即睡熟了。

2.Whilst you're all tucked up in bed reading your favorite fairy-tale or horror story you can read to the glow of this uncomppcated lamp.当你窝在床上看你最爱的童话故事或者鬼故事的时候,还可以沐浴在这盏造型简单的灯光里。

3.The boy tucked his shirt into the top of his trousers and a leather bag under his arm, looking just pke a boss.那男孩把衬衫塞进裤腰里,将皮包夹在腋下,看上去俨然一副老板摸样。

4.Contrary to expectations, they had not tucked into the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, which only occurs farther south in colder waters.与预期不同的是,牠们并没有吃很多只出现在更南边更冷海域的南极磷虾。

5.But after a pfetime of handpng money, she always had a fair sense of how much cash she'd tucked into her green wallet.可是和钱打交道惯了,她知道自己的绿色钱包里应该有多少钱。

6.Administrators told him he would have to wear his hair in one long braid, tucked into the back of his shirt at all times.学校主管让他必须把头发扎成长辫子,时刻塞在衬衫里。

7.Now he began leisurely to take off his clothes, but stopped first with his coat, and tucked it along the crack under the door.现在他开始不慌不忙地脱衣服,但是他先只脱了上衣,用它塞住门下的缝隙。

8.I wish I could have met the lady in the plaid skirt, who looks to have tucked a flower or two behind the bow of her straw hat.我真希望我能遇见这位穿方格子裙的女士,她看上去好像把一两支花插在了她的稻草帽的帽檐后。

9.The child had been sleeping face down. His mother turned him up and tucked up the sheets.那孩子趴着睡觉,她母亲把他翻过身,然后塞好被单。

10.Jeremy was quiet as his mother tucked him in that evening.晚上,杰瑞米很安静,妈妈把他放下睡觉。